Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Let me Introduce You to President Barack Santos

Where truth and fiction meet... This video looks at the similarities between fictional West Wing presidential candidate Matt Santos, and Barack Obama. Or is it the other way round?


  1. Iain, you might have missed it but the Guardian ran an interview with Eli Attie (produce/writer of the West Wing and Gore speech writer) about how when they were starting to write the Santos character they phoned Mr. Axelrod (Obama's campaign manager) about Obama and to get some ideas. So art is mimicking life in this case.

  2. There was a much closer case in film was there not?

  3. The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth -- it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true.

    You expect reality and yet it never expects you? Dron

  4. I particularly liked her final point.

  5. Bad news if life imitates art - California needs a nuclear accident so that Obama can beat McCain, and whoever gets named as VP has to die on election day...

  6. Bugger Santos- I would have voted for Vinick! I would have liked to have seen the WW follow a Republican president through a term in the White House!
