Friday, February 15, 2008

An Interview with Andrew Neil

Access Interviews is a new website devoted to publishing every interview ever given. A tall order. Rob McGibbon, the site's creator, has also started doing video interviews. he started with Andy McNab and then interviewe Andrew Neil. This is the concluding part of the interview, in which Andrew becomes a little reflective.

You can see the full half hour interview HERE.


  1. Thanks for this. I watched the whole interview. It was very good. If there any more that you think are good, please post them

  2. I agree with Howard. I think people of a certain age (ie my generation) would agree with Andrew Neil about his parent's generation and how much they went through and managed to bring up the "baby boomers" who have shaped the world we now live in. Well worth a book I would have thought?

  3. Andrew Neil is hugely undervalued by the BBC who carefully schedule his programmes well out of prime time and cut them altogether on any excuse. For instance taking This Week and Daily Politics off air under the ludicrous pretext that Westminster is in recess for the week (funny they don't do that for any other political shows). Neil never gets mentioned when eulogies of Humphrys and Paxo abound - but in fact he outstrips them both for his ability to do a forensic interview. He's one of the few strong independnet minds left at a Corporation increasingly packed with yes people.

  4. I like AN too, but he is a terrible bighead!
