Saturday, February 02, 2008

Hillary's Spokesman: I Don't Speak to Foreigners!

Once the hubbub of Super Tuesday is over I'm going to meet up with the Telegraph's Washington correspondent Toby Harnden - hopefully we'll record a short piece for the video box (right). I'll be sure and ask him about THIS wonderful example of how to p*** off a journalist in one easy lesson.


  1. Compare and contrast with this Dutch news article (ok, actually a Democrat press release regurgitated):

    Clearly this candidate isn't toeing the party line.

  2. I think the spokesman acted correctly: if time is short and the opportunity to influence voters is fleeting, talking to foreign journalists is a total waste of time. If they are offended, tough! Journalists have an over inflated sense of their importance in the scheme of things. Fewer journalists covering the US primaries and more spent on digging out the human interest stories [divorces, murder, neighbours at war, etc] back home that Telegraph readers want to read would make it a better and more profitable paper.

  3. In fairness, she did take his question.

  4. jeez that Toby's cute - look I have an opening (fnar) for an ass-istant. Think he's available?

  5. ...'separated by a common language'.

    One couldn't have a better example of Churchill's wonderful aphorism.

  6. Steve Morgan of Morgan Allen Moore, Peter Hain's campaign managers, is in charge of international liason for Hillary.

  7. hello Sir,
    I shamelessly draw your attention to my blog for your directory! :)
    (obviously I've already linked you).
    keep up the great job

  8. It's message control: once the intended soundbite has been given say nothing that might distract the audience.

  9. Rob's Uncle:

    Harsh but you have a point.
