Sunday, February 10, 2008

Got a Crush on Obama?... Or Hillary...

Somehow I cannot imagine a similar song or video about John McCain... But if you've got a crush on Hillary, she's hittin' back at Obama girl...


  1. Somehow I cannot imagine a similar song or video about John McCain...

    Or about Hillary!

  2. Christ.

    If that sad tosser who pleasures himself thinking about Hillary is the best the Clinton campaign can come up with, I think it's safe to say Obama's already won.

  3. Obama Girl all the way...there's something not quite right about a boy of that age finding Hillary Clinton sexy.

  4. suerly that is juddy finnegan superimposed?

  5. Where's Spitting image when you need it? We seem to have lost the courage to send up our politicians in the way pioneered by Fluck [sic] and Law.

    Just loved the breakdancing Hillary moment - can you imagine a John Prescott lookalike in a similar sequence? What would that have done for his image??

  6. He looks like something out of one of those pornos. Umm - I'm told...

  7. Love it! You posters all seem to have had an irony bypass. And I thought it was the Yanks who didn't get our jokes. Role reversal or what?

  8. John McCain was a pretty sexy fighter pilot in 1967 - something of the young Brando about him. I could definitely get a crush on him then.

  9. You wouldn't think there would be any way to make Hillary appear more creepy than she actually is.

    But this young man found a way.
