Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Flushed Tory Candidate is Incommunicado

Blogging Tory candidate Tracey Crouch has been "off line" for the last 18 hours having dropped her Blackberry down the lavatory. What is worse - she heard the "splash" but unaware what caused the noise (stop it!), she then flushed the loo, only realising far too late as her precious Blackberry disappeared around the u-bend. She is now back on-line having spent £250 on new machine. Lesson to us all: don't blog from the bog!


  1. Or another lesson, "insure it"!

  2. This is a bit like when her old boss Walter Sweeney managed to lock himself in the loo during the Maastricht debate (although some claim he was actually locked in there by the whips to prevent him voting against the government.)

  3. And another lesson - make sure the content is backed up....

  4. So her gadet has followed the Tory election prospects?

  5. I thought it was only pigeons that pooped blackberries.

    Tracey CROUCH? She should have seen it coming. There is a researcher into STDs call Kimberly Crotchfelt, (Really! Google her!)

    Another case of nominative determinism. Beware, the fabric of the Universe is not what it seems.

  6. I worked in a branch of well known High Street Bank for almost 40 years and nothing surprises me regarding items of electronic equipment either falling into the lavatory,being crushed by a No23 Bus or getting bitten in half by a lady member of staff's 12 month old child(don't ask)

    It was quite usual every 3 months or so for one of the female staff to forget to unclip her "walkie-talkie" from her belt when visiting the loo and for the it to fall down into the lavatory pan.

    This inevitably would cause the handset to "short out" and go into "alarm" mode

    So things could have been worse at least Tracey didn't have to explain herself to several grinning police officers

    She won't be the first or last lady to suffer this embarrassment.

    Men are equally susceptible to.

    I can remember one male member of staff's excuse for the his handset being waterlogged when handing it back at night was that he had mistakenly taken it into the shower with him !!!!

  7. Having read her blog, I can't say I'm impressed with her...

    I love her story about the men in a language she didnt understand on the train.

    She seems rather dull...

  8. "don't blog from the bog".

    Some do nothing else. You can tell, you know.

  9. If she'd been an MP rather than just a candidate she could have claimed the new blackberry on expenses courtesy of the taxpayer (and probably the taxi fare for going down to phones-r-us to pick it up)

  10. Dirty cow!!!

    Having used the toilet and her blackberry at the same time presumably she would have washed her hands.

    I bet she's never washed her blackberry. (Take that any way that you wish).

    Dirty cow!!!
