Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dan Hannan Ejected from the EPP

I've just been told that Dan Hannan has been thrown out of the EPP*. Lucky him. Apparently there was some sort of vote, presumably among MEP members. I am sure he got full support from the rest of his British colleagues. Actually, I am not sure of that at all, come to think of it. It followed THIS row last month. Anyone got the details of what actually happened this evening?

* Note, single sourced!


  1. I'm sure he'll be gutted!

  2. I'm sure he'll be as happy as Larry, it might hasten the departure of the rest of the party from this silly grouping.

    Where's our referendum anyway?

  3. Not very exclusive when Dizzy has beaten you to it

  4. Um
    Who the f@@@ are the EPP?

    For that matter who the fuck is Dan Hannan?

    Does he work for MI6?

    Is his wife a crocodile?

    Is he a type of cake?

    Is the Daily Express secretly owned by Mr Al-Fuckhead?

  5. The only thing that worries me about this whole affair is that he was ejected for standing up for democracy.

    No wait, I am also worried that our Party refuses to leave this grouping of dictatoral europhile hypocrites.

    When will they open their eyes?

  6. Anyone would think you don't read Conservative home - or those captive blogs on the Telegraph. All at the end of Jan.

    Personally I've decided I can't vote Conservative at the European elections unless we have already left the EPP.

    I'm not interested in promises any more, I'd like to see verifiable action for the X goes in the box again.

    I'm guessing I'm not the only one.

  7. Happy to oblige Ian, (2nd Clip down):

  8. The EPP backs the EU which is an organisation which is illegally attempting to balkanise the continent of Europe.

    OK Europeans are all asleep, apart from Dan Hannan and Roger Helmer, but the rest of the world is now on full alert from the destabilising effects the EU's programme is having to world peace.

    Kosovo is the moment the EU finally revealed itself, and the world is finally aware of and shocked by the stupidity and folly of the EU.

    Canada is warning of the threat of a serious crisis in East-West relations.

    It's about time.

    Dan made the mistake of realising disaster is around the corner and tied to warn everyone.

    Th EPP will be consigned to the dustbin of history along with the EU. The world will not tolerate the madness of the EU's programme, and is at last awakening. Hopefully the move back to democracy and common sense will happen in time.

  9. Hannan is one of the good guys and his ejection isn't a surprise.

    I thought Cameron was going to take his party out of the EPP ?

  10. Mr Cameron made one actual promise in his manifesto when he stood for election and that was we get out of the EPP within weeks. Once he was elected it became months and then Mr Hague was put on the job and it became after the next EU elections.
    At this I left the party

  11. Not only did Dizzy beat you to it, but I was the first and in the meeting so I can confirm it. Not all of his Tory colleagues backed him. Tories united!

  12. Who gives a t*ss! I'll be voting UKIP again in the Euro poll coming up- won't waste my time with the Tory 'hokey cokey' position.

  13. I am concerned that David Cameron still allows Conservative MEPs to sit in a federalist group. I won't be voting Conservative at the next Euro elections because of this.

  14. Tory boy nonsense.

    He and the leader of the fascist group, MSI, Italy, behaved like school kids in the chamber, waving a silly banner etc.

    When told to sit down and comport themselves like parliamentarians he compared the chairman's ruling to the 1933 Ermachtigungsgericht in Germany:

    He said this on two distinct occassions just to make sure the EPP would kick him out.

    Should now be better placed for a safe Tory Westminster seat, come the day.

    God , the sooner Scotland is independent the better.

  15. Its not as easy as just leaving the EPP unfortunately. EU rules state that political parties have to sit within a recognised grouping to get funding and perks etc. It would be pretty expensive for us to just pack our bags and go. That is why several other parties are being courted with the aim to form a more EUsceptic party for after the next EU elections. If the grouping isn't big enough and isn't recognised by the powers that be, it wont get any dosh.

    Mr Hannon was not the only person to allude to Hitlers Germany - quite a few lefties have actually been calling anyone asking for a referendum nazis. They do this in the chamber and are allowed to get away with it and nobody bothers to report it.

  16. anon 9:30

    You got one thing right: "
    God , the sooner Scotland is independent the better." ...but for the wrong reasons, I suspect.

  17. drunken tory:
    "EU rules state that political parties have to sit within a recognised grouping to get funding and perks etc. It would be pretty expensive for us to just pack our bags and go. That is why several other parties are being courted with the aim to form a more EUsceptic party for after the next EU elections. If the grouping isn't big enough and isn't recognised by the powers that be, it wont get any dosh."

    >> It is of course a gross perversion of democracy to put conditions on the priveliges of elected representatives, but the honourable thing to do is to refuse the conditional EU money and raise your own from voluntary subscriptions. If you can't do that you don't belong in politics

    "Mr Hannon was not the only person to allude to Hitlers Germany - quite a few lefties have actually been calling anyone asking for a referendum nazis. They do this in the chamber and are allowed to get away with it and nobody bothers to report it."

    >> Freedom of speech cuts both ways, it allows people to say whatever they want, and it allows us to judge them on what they say.

  18. the sooner Scotland is independent the better

    Agreed, but you won't you be "independent within Europe" and therefore suffer exactly the same undemocracy as now?

    political parties have to sit within a recognised grouping to get funding and perks etc. It would be pretty expensive for us to just pack our bags and go

    So funding and perks come ahead of freedom and democracy? Thought so.

  19. Perhaps he will go and join the Independence and Democracy group now..

    You'd think he already has, judging from the video he has posted on his website..

    Makes a good party political broadcast for the Independence and Democracy group.

    Count the number of Tories in it - 0
    (apart from Hannan - though does he really conform to Tory EU policy??!!)

  20. Perhaps he will now be tempted to join the Independence and Democracy group.

    If you watch a video he has posted on his website, you think he already has..

    Makes a great party political broadcast for the Independence and Democracy group (and UKIP!)

    Count the number of conservatives in it - 0

    (apart from Mr. Hannan - but does he really conform to tory EU policy??!!)

    Watch the video here: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/politics/danielhannan/feb08/nazis.htm

  21. The allusion to the ermachtigungsgesetz was ridiculous and was intended to achieve exactly the effect of being slung out of the EPP.

    It's toytown politics.

    As to trouping around looking for allies in the Greater Bulgarian Monarchist Party or the Polish Farmers of Silesia Party, well get real!

    I am not a Tory, as some may have gathered, but surely you lot have some sense of the ridiculous.

    Scotland will be the 28th Member state of the EU. The rumpUK the 29th ( if they will have you)

  22. Dan Hannan was kicked out of the EPP because, in that childish way that petit bourgeois Mail-reading British Euro- and xeno-phobes adopt when at a loss for argument, he was trying to make a puerile scene for no other purpose than causing a neat little ruckus that would get into all the tabloids, under the pretence of democracy; and then disgustingly compared Hans-Gert Poettering to Hitler when he was rightly slapped down and his filibuster was stopped.

    As he is now no longer in receipt of the Whip that the Tory Party has in Brussels, he should be deselected a la Howard Flight. And if not for that, he should be deselected for being an immature UKIP-esque gadfly who serves no constructive purpose and draws however-many-thousands per year for it.

  23. The demonstration in the "hemi-cycle" was the only way the people of europe who want a referendum on Lisbon could make their voices heard. 16 million of us in France rejected this treaty, so did the Dutch. It should have been buried. It has risen from the dead to haunt our children. Nice one anonymous!
