2. Ellee Seymour on MPs interacting on each others' blogs.
3. Jonathan Shephard's going to 'have' Brian Paddick. And it's going to be a marathon session.
4. Our Kingdom wants more politics on TV. Yes please. More media tarting ops.
5. Red Box on some jiggery pokery pro Labour lottery funding.
6. Daniel Finkelstein asks: Where is President Bartlett? Indeed so.
7. Paul Linford asks if Neil Hamilton was hard done by.
8. Ben Brogan examines the Northern Rock Board's Labour connections.
9. Cicero's Songs examines Kosovo's past, present and, yup you guessed it...
10. Richard Spring MP discovers that homeownership is at a ten year low.
11. Bryan Appleyard looks into the art of 'Mastur-interviewing'.
12. Guido now comes to you via Bloomberg. Am I left behind?!
Re; Richard Spring MP discovers that homeownership is at a ten year low.
Just goes to show how detached MPs are. The issue facing first-time-buyers is not house prices trebling in 10 years to their highest point in history and unprecedented salary multiples. No. The problem is stamp duty and HIPs. Hmm.
He must be more concerned with the value of his taxpayer subsidised property portfolio to realise what's really going on with housing. Or maybe not
Any thoughts Iain?
"Guido now comes to you via Bloomberg. Am I left behind?!"
Nope, you're on there too, as are other blogs.
Guido is just try to big himself up a bit!
Hey - I'll do the marathon - though I'm not saying anything about the speed I will do it in.
Speaking as a liberal, it's essential that homeownership is extended as wide as possible. Those who cannot afford should be provided with social housing. But, short of descending into irresponsibility and encouragement of debt, more people should be taking posessions of their own.
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