Friday, February 29, 2008

Alexis Carrington-Colby-Dexter on John McCain

From Joan Collins' diary in The Spectator...

"John McCain really needs to do something about his pallor. His complexion is more translucent than Nicole Kidman's".

She hasn't lost it, has she?


  1. I see today that McCain accidentally described himself as a liberal conservative (again). He must really be confused about his true politics and the face he has to put on for the Republican base.

  2. McCain also wears bad suits.

  3. Ah yes - this is the Joan Collins who as a "journalist" in the Speccie Diary this week made the comment "you only see a black man or a woman president when an asteroid is about to hit the statue of liberty".

    Hilarious! - except Jon Stewart had already used it at the Academy Awards, widely reported in the broadsheet and tabloid press, and Joanie didnt acknowledge her source.

    It's called plagiarism Joanie. But we love you anyway.

    Did she think nobody would notice?

  4. Strange - I ran a photo of her recently too.

  5. Surely Alexis Morrell-Carringon-Colby-Dexter?

    Dear God, how do I know that...?

    I'll get me coat...

  6. Depends what you mean by 'it'. As I understand things Ms Collins lost 'it' many decades ago - but perhaps we need not go there, eh?

  7. Nobody's seen Joan's complexion for the last forty years

  8. Read the Ron Liddle bit yet Iain ...oo he has right old go at young Kenneth but even more so Polly who he describes as the blue stocking blue bottle perched atop the dog turd( the hundred Bleeding heart anti Borisians )

    Boris is 5% ahead.
    He is going to win

    ...(and now of all times camp Cameron goes off the rails ?)

  9. Well then, here's a consultancy opportunity for Peter Hain. He knows a bit about combatting pallor. And he hasn't got much else to do these days!

  10. Verity exposed!

  11. Speaking of the Spectator, can somebody get rid of Tamzin Lightwater? In a true meritocracy she'd be on the dole. I've got no idea why anyone employs her. And Brendan O'Neill from Shite Online should be fired from Comment Is Free. I'd personally go round to his house and give him his P45, whilst laughing mockingly.

  12. Newmania - brought it home girl - as I am watching "Americon Idol" cant help thinking "down leave me this way" girl. you ole dog.

    yeah Simon was right - you didnt bring it home girl. sorry Newmania dog.

  13. A relative of mine boffed her.

    They were working on a movie together. Joan's deal was, "we boff while the movie is being made. When the movie finishes, we stop boffing and we move on". Which I thought was very business like and efficient.

  14. Sorry to drag this blog back to reality, but John McCain avoids the sun because of skin problems related to his imprisonment and torture at the hands of the Viet Cong. Every so often he has to have surgery for pre-cancerous melanomas to be removed.

    Hence his skin is rather pallid.

    Now, back to the trivialities...

  15. People in glass houses comes to mind and so does mutton dressed as lamb.

  16. @ discreet and clean

    Any money change hands - in either direction?

  17. last week i met a department of state officer who told me that during her youth, she spent four hours in a hotel room with john mccain during an election campaign.

    we were talking about politics.

    i forgot to ask her if they made out.

  18. "She hasn't lost it, has she?"

    Lost what? The ability to be an embarrassing old hag? Stick her in pink and she'd be able to be pose as Barbara Cartland.
