Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Telegraph Launches New Online Political Map

The Telegraph has today launched a new online interactive political map. More details on THREE LINE WHIP. You can calculate the effect of electoral swings on each constituency as well as find demographic and social date.

I suspect it will become one of the paper's more popular destinations pages.


  1. This is quite brilliant - what an amazing feature!

  2. I like it, but can someone explain why if there is a 20% swing from Labour to Conservative the Lib dems get in??

  3. even more confused. If the Conservatives have 52% of the vote, they end up with only 8 seats. Think Cameron needs to change his strategy

  4. I don't think it's working properly Mr Dale. For example, according to this a swing from Labour to Conservative of 20% gives Labour 15%, COnservatives 52% and the Lib Dems 22% and an overall majority for NIck Clegg's army of 71 with 359 seats. Now, I don't think 22% of the vote will give you 359 seats, even under First past the post, but I could be wrong.

  5. Errr, arent you 30 months early on this one.

    I see you have all stopped going on about how great Cambo was at PMQs today. Because he was dire again today. Second week in a row when he has used all 6 questions on Northern Rock.

    And even worse it seems he has hired William Vague’s speech writer to come up with daft unfunny jokes and japes. It was cringeful.

    Compared Brown to the second hand car dealer Del Boy. Oh dear, its Boycie who is the car dealer. So can we now refer to Cameron as the other character in OFAH “””Dave”””.

    Dave went from scripted platitude to tedious cliché’s…. It was embarrassing to watch.

  6. I suspect that the crossword and other pages will be a lot more popular.

  7. Any chance of cross correlating it with government spending - turning into one of the heat maps your little chipmunk was so fond of ?

  8. And furtehr to my earlier comment they've now fixed it.

  9. Only two seats for Plaid Cymru in Wales? That map is wrong.

  10. Iain,

    This is a great idea by the Telegraph. How do I contact them to mention that they have left my constituency out? Grantham & Stamford is not in the alphabetical list, doesn't have a hexagon that I could find anywhere in the vicinity, and when I enter my postcode I'm told I live in Sherwood, which isn't even in Lincolnshire.

    I can quite understand the Telegraph wishing to obliterate Quentin Davies from the political map, but it does seem more than a little harsh to do the same to his constituents.

    Simon Chapman
    Chairman, Grantham & Stamford Conservative Association

  11. The Telegraph's swingometer is crap.

  12. Ifan: If you read the results explanation and methodology, it is explained that the map is based on the notional results that say what would have happened at the 2005 election if it had been fought on the new boundaries which come into play at the next election. Under the boundary changes, Arfon, the successor seat to Caernarfon, would have been a marginal Labour seat, which makes it now a target seat for Plaid, ie they go in to the election effectively holding two seats, even though they have three MPs in the present Parliament.

    Simon: No purposeful sleight against your constituency, just a minor gremlin in the system. We're looking into it and will correct it asap!

  13. That's an excellent resource. I wonder if they will do a poster version though. The Independent did one after the 2001 election and I've been trying to find an updated one but to no avail.

  14. I'm afraid it left me a bit cold because it doesn't contain any information besides the way they voted last time. What about the seat's race and class makeup, its voting history, and so on? Must do better.

  15. simon said...

    The Telegraph's swingometer is crap.

    January 23, 2008 5:47 PM

    No NO NO NO Simon...The Telegraph is Crap...Period

  16. this is a gr8 tool - shows things i wouldn't have realised - like that last poll before xmas showing that in an election Labour would only have 6 MPs in the south of England (outside London & Bristol)!

  17. ...and on that poll the Tories would have around 40 seats in the north of England - so why do the commentators keep saying say that they are doing so badly up there?

  18. Qwerty- yep, i have to agree- the paper is not much cop either!
