Friday, January 25, 2008

Livingstone's London Becomes More Like Daley's Chicago

Ken Livingstone becomes more discredited by the day. It's even got to the stage when Labour MPs are turning on him. And when George Galloway comes out in your support you know you're in trouble. Today Livingstone slandered a former employee on the radio. She's not taking it lying down. Read more HERE.

About a year ago 18 Doughty Street got a lot of flack for making an attack ad against Ken Livingstone. Here's a reminder of what it said...

I'm now thinking it was a bit tame.


  1. What did Galloway say? Livingstone is corrupt enough to be a socialist?

    I remember reading something about Galloway doing a Kilroy-Silk by storming out of his party over something. I can't remember where I read it? Do you have more?

  2. It is such a shame that 18 Doughty Street is not broadcasting at the moment.

  3. Never mind Iain. Found the Galloway split article on BBC news (apparently it wasn't a split or something) and the Galloway backing Ken article on CiF.

  4. Iain, that's ridiculously one-sided propaganda and you know it!

  5. I have been saying to Labourites I know that supporting Livingstone will be a mistake. Margaret Hodge salted the earth for Labour in Islington forever .Even today the mention of the Enver Hodge period with its corruption and cronyism sends would be Labour voters scurrying away.
    Win or lose Livingstone is bad bad news for Labour .Martin Bright is close to Brown and you can bet that Brown does not want Loony left City Hall around his neck.You know , I think he would rather have Boris there.

    Great stuff Iain and back to your best all day !!


  6. Livingstone is an appalling low-life. His latest direct threats to an ex-employee are symptomatic of disgusting paranoia. He must be thrown out at the earliest opportunity. No one should doubt that things will only get much, much, worse from this point forwards.

  7. Ah, but Iain, you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs..

  8. Hmm, you've got to distill your attack ads so that they're a bit more condensed. That felt a bit, well, British.

  9. Sea Shanty Irish here:

    Latest YouGov poll for London Mayor just out.

    Livingstone has dropped -1% but Boris Johnson has dropped -4%. So previous gap of +1% in Livingstone's favor has widened to -4%.

    Way to go, Team Tory!

  10. SSI here:

    Sorry, final number in previous comment should be +4% in case that wasn't obvious.

    Doesn't mean Red Ken is home and dry. Just that it will take more than bad press and a funny haircut for Your Hero to defeat him.

  11. "... but does he care about you?"

    Does Boris care about me? Ken isn't perfect, but Boris would be a catastrophe.

  12. the sooner this pillock gets thrown out the better.

    I'm so please everything is now turning against him! Why the hell has it taken so long??!!??

  13. Nearly every poll that favours the left turns out to be wrong. is it because there are more left wing people available to answer poll questions whilst the right wing are out at work.

  14. The video has disappeared, can you relocate.

  15. complexsystemofpipes...

    I'm not even going click on your link. However, would i be wrong is assuming that the site has been paid for by me as london council tax payer?

  16. Ain't gonna do you much good - Ken is still ahead in the polls, and in the betting.. And that is before the Boris story in the Guardian came out.

    This one will run and run and run..

    And the real negative campaigning on Boris hasn't even begun yet..

  17. Boris expressed some disquite about the Kosovo war, not as much as I would like but some.

    Ken was quite unambiguous about supporting genocide. He spoke in Parliament in favour of bombing to help the KLA at a time when specificly knew that it was the KLA & not the Serbs who were engaged in genocide (Foreign Secretary Robin Cook having told Parliament this). He was therefore deliberately speking in the cause of people he knew to be engaged in genocide in the cause of supporting the racial programme of Chancellor Hitler.

    I think London could do without being contolled by a wholly corrupt lying murdering racist Nazi war criminal, but others may disagree.

    I am sorry to see Galloway su[pporting Livingston. For all his faults, he has been willing to stand up to denounce atrocities when, as in the earlier history of Iraq, our government kept silent, or even, as in Kosovo, our government was responsible for the much of the genocide.
