Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Is Willie Nagel Another David Abrahams?

Mystery continues to surround the activities of the Progressive Policies Forum which laundered diverted money through to Peter Hain's deputy leadership campaign. One of its donors is Willie Nagel, whose £25,000 loan to Mr Hain has yet to be repaid. Mr Nagel is an interesting character, who seems, like David Abrahams, to have an obsession with getting close to leading political figures. An informant, who is always on the mark, has just sent me this email...
Why are the media so quiet over Willie Nagel?He could get to a PM's constituency quicker than the official car drove from the Palace to Downing Street.From May 1979 to 1990 he haunted Finchley, turning up at minor events looking for autographs and photocalls.In November 1990 he arrived in Huntingdon, always attending events again it was autographs, pictures.Then in 1997 he actually headed off to Sedgefield. Just before the election he wheedled his way into meeting Blair via A Board of Deputies of British Jews event where Blair was being introduced around by Eldred Trabachnik, President of the Board and legal friend of Blair/Booth.The pics will be very similar to those of David Abrahams at these events.There must be a smoking gun somewhere?

And talking of David Abrahams, have we all forgotten that particular scandal as we trawl through this one? Surely the police investigation must be reaching its conclusion soon?


  1. Iain - we all know the NuLab project will collapse once the first person gets into a cfourtroom and has to spill the beans under oath. why do you think they are fighting tooth and nail to avoid ANY charges. Brown has already set up the standards authority and electoral commission to accept Hains defence of incompetence to stop them calling in the old bill.

    once abrahams is in court the whole thing will fall apart

  2. Don't forget that Lord Whitty has supposedly been conducting his own urgent inquiry. No sign of his report yet, though!

  3. I think what we need is a 'Paul Burrell' character within the New Labour machine. Slightly naive, bit taken in by all the frills and baubles of power, who once booted out starts 'reminiscing' about the 'good old days', but who is, of course, ever so 'discreet' about all those 'secrets' which he/she could only share with a very few close friends carefully chosen from his nearest and dearest...

    And then write a book about it...

  4. Anonymous 11.17.

    The person you describe is not unlike Derek "Daisy" Draper who, by an amazing coincidence, was forced to resign in 1997 after being caught bragging about how he could arrange contacts with the real power brokers within NuLabour.

    Despite his fall from grace, he managed to retrain as some sort of Shrink and now seems to inhabit the most reliable outpost in Nulab's media empire, GMTV, alongside his wife Kate Garroway and "Baroness" Fiona Phillips.

    The lesson? Even when people like Draper fall from grace, Nulab's got enough contacts to ensure that they don't need to spill the beans to make ends meet.

  5. Yesterday's Telegraph carried a story about the Tories in Huntingdon declining funds from Nagel.

  6. dearieme,

    They also run a story today that states; Mr Nagel made donations to Mr Major's Huntingdon constituency while he was promoting a proposed defence deal to the Government.

    It does say the "his relationship with the Prime Minister (Major) was curtailed", but fails to mention any reimbursment of the funds.


  7. Well, Charlie, that sounds as if they rumbled him.

  8. There is no police invetigation, though no doubt we will be told that it cost hundreds of thousands of pounds.

    There is no investigation of the Smith Institute by the charity Commissioners.... though of course it will be anounced that it cost etc etc.

    This government and the many,many quangos it has spawned suffer from institutional arrogance.

    One day, maybe one day ther will be an explosion of outrage that will make Kenya look like child's play

    ... but then maybe on that day Hain will fly
