Monday, January 14, 2008

An Interview with Fi Glover

There's a top interview with one of broadcasting heroines, Fi Glover, HERE. If there is a better broadcaster on British radio I'd like to know who it is.


  1. Fi Glover? Is that the same Fi Glover who is paid and obliged by law to be impartial and yet spends her life spouting leftist propaganda? Best broadcaster? Is it April 1st?

  2. Fi Glover is absolutely crap. She ruined Broadcasting House after Mair had built into essential listening.

    She now performs her twitters and squeals and giggles on Saturday morning and spoils all our breakfasts.

  3. I'm with Iain on this one. As well as being a top broadcaster, Fi Glover is also, in a very understated sort of way, one of the most naturally funny people I have ever met.

  4. I thought you were a Mayo-ite, Iain.

  5. Er, try most over-rated broadcaster.

    She used to be quite adequate until she started believing her own hype and turned into one of the most smug, pretentious middle-class f**kwits ever to descend on Radio 4. She is so insufferable that I now only have to hear the opening bars of Saturday Live to have a Pavlovian response of nausea and have to turn the radio off.

    One has the impression that if you bumped into Eddie Mair he would be happy to spend the time of day with you, whereas if you bumped into Fi she would condescend to say Hello but look at you as if to say, How dare one of the little people talk to a meeja superstar like me.

  6. Eddie Mair. By a country mile.

  7. Fi is indeed wonderful, despite her trendy lefty leanings. But Eddie Mair is better.

  8. She's pretty damn anodyne and another soft leftie. But I will admit she's better than her nemesis, the dreadfully PC Victoria Derbyshire, who ran off with poor Fi's significant other.

    ".. and today we ask - how racist are the British ? - and on the line we've got Sylvie from Redhill, Dave from Huddersfield, Gary from Norwich, Tariq from Greenwich, Lesley from Arbroath, Dawn from Cardiff, Paul from Essex and Edward from Tunbridge Wells - Tariq ! What do you think ?"

    As for Eddie Mair - a less offensive version of Nikki Campbell.

    Bring back Jane Garvey !

  9. As you know I used to love Sunday Service and Fi's other Five Live stuff. Saturday Live is a bit up its own arse though. I've met Fi only briefly and fleetingly and she seemed very nice.

    I'm surprised the Guardian didn't mention her famous outburst on Have I Got News For You: "Debenham's is shite!"

    Rarely has a truer word been spoken.

  10. Is that the same Fi Glover who said that people who fly the flag of St George on St George's Day were "being a bit racist"...

    I just love her razor insight, don't you?

  11. So it is not just me? Fi Glover's sarcastic (or is it sardonic?) tone of voice always gets right up my nose!

    Bit worried about the direction you are taking Iain in praising all these "pinko" types employed by the BBC. Are you going soft or positioning yourself for another seat?
