Thursday, January 03, 2008

End of Year Awards: Blogs: Politician of the Year

This is the final installment in the End of Year Poll I ran just before Christmas in which 2,300 of you took part.


1. David Cameron 37%
2. Alex Salmond 28%
3. Vince Cable 21%
4. George Osborne 7%
5. Gordon Brown 5%
6. Nick Clegg 2%


1. Hilary Benn 32%
2. Alan Johnson 21%
3. David Miliband 17%
4. John Denham 17%
5. Caroline Flint 8%
6. Liam Byrne 5%


1. Alistair Darling 20%
2. Harriet Harman 20%
3. Ed Balls 13%
4. Jacqui Smith 12%
5. Hazel Blears 12%
6. Des Browne 12%
7. Ruth Kelly 7%
Others 4%


1. George Osborne 39%
2. William Hague 25%
3. David Davis 16%
4. Michael Gove 12%
5. Chris Grayling 6%
6. Liam Fox 3%


  1. what about peer of the year?

  2. Benn - How? Why? An utterly vacuous speak your weight machine.

  3. Hilarious Benn? How did this happen? I, for one, simply cannot recollect anything useful that this man has done in the past 12 months.

    I feel thoroughly discumbobulated.

  4. Reading these lists of ministers and politicians is depressing; and explains why 35% of the electorate is effectively disenfranchised. There is nobody to vote for.

    When Cameron wins the next election, his advisers should not forget that his victory will be due mostly to Gordon Brown.

    It would be a step in the right direction if both men never again utter the words "brave" and "tough", except in reference to the actions of our armed forces.

    btw, I stumbled in here via Lady Thinker. You need votes from people like her if you want to form a government with a genuine majority.

  5. Toby - You are right. There is no one to vote for in the major parties, which is why I have sworn that I, a lifelong Tory voter, will not vote Tory as long as our party is being led by someone as ridiculous as David Cameron.

  6. Eck wan , did he no':

    whaur do you Tories think yous are? Kenya?

  7. How very bizarre. One man becomes Prime Minister and gets 5pc of the vote for Politician of the Year. Another does nothing except lose the deputy leadership to the completely hopeless Harriet Harman and is duly voted Minister of the Year.

    There's nowt so queer as blog polls.

  8. Won't argue with Cameron too much but would gently point out that he didn't WIN anything in 2007.

    Runner-up Salmond DID win an Election, against the entrenched Labour/BBC/Press mafia in Scotland.
    In order to do this he had to win the Scottish Parliamentary seat of Gordon(sic),overturning the 2003 result of a Lib/Dem majority of 4000 and the SNP in 3rd place behind the Tories, and gaining victory with a majority of 2500.

    It was a gamble and it took COURAGE (are you listening Mr. Brown?).

  9. Sorry Verity, but as long as DC leads the Tories, they are more acceptable to me - a floating voter in a marginal London constituency. DC is more of a personable One Nation Tory rather than a self-interested factional type. Sure, he's wet behind the ears, but at least he uses them, and has got a good brain between them.

  10. Yawn. These polls say little about anything apart from that the people who read this blog are tories. surprise!

  11. Alex Salmond was robbed! DC as politician of the year?!?!? As Gordon Ramsay would say- F'k Me! Cameron may be 'a very nice man; a very, very nice man' but he's still a twat. Applauding 'The Liar' in the Commons at his final appearance. Shame. Shame on the conservative donkeys who took his lead and joined in! Cameron is not up to the job. Since i'm in Jockland, my vote will be going to the SNP. As a Thatcher fan, that's some political move!
