Tuesday, January 01, 2008

David Blunkett as Mystic Meg

I just found an old diary column I wrote for the Indy on Sunday in December 2006. Part of it read.
David Blunkett continues to be a very naughty boy. He was overheard at the
US Embassy Christmas party the other day opining: "If he wants to win, Gordon
has got to get rid of the people around him. People like Douglas Alexander and
Alistair Darling, otherwise we will be dead in the water.
He wasn't wrong, was he?


  1. For gods sake don't ever say "blunkett was right" I plodded through his whole book and its all he kept saying when he evidently wasn't, he will now pop up on tv saying "even that tory Ian dale says I was right".

  2. I suppose he feels his crystal ball.

  3. Cept he's right on this one.

    Labour threw resources into Renfrewshire in the Scottish Parliament elections to save Dougie the embarresment of losing his Scottish Parliament seat.

    Helped keep the seat but they lost the council to the Nats and ended up with Dougie's sister as Labour leader in Scotland.

    Nepotism. Labour's weak underbelly.

  4. It's interesting to note that Blunkett can very occasionally see things more clearly than his supposedly fully-sighted party colleagues.

    It doesn't happen all that often, so well done for highlighting such a rare occurrence -- an exception that no doubt proves some rule or other...

  5. Credit where it's due - Blunkett was only too right in this particular judgement. If only some people who were disastrously wrong would take the rap. For instance watching a video of DC taking on the Newsnight inquisition last September (I was going to wipe it and then got hooked watching) it was particularly pleasurable watching that bighead Stephanie Flanders hammering DC about how misguided Conservative proposals to scrap inheritance tax were knowing what happened next. Someone should rub her smug mug in it.

    All in all there is a very sad lack of any reflections/dissections of the political year on the box. It's been an amazing year for British politics which deserves a proper retrospective. I would just love to see Andrew Neil front a 'This Year' special based on the 'This Week' format. Surely the BBC could be persuaded?

  6. Browns government is doomed to fail either way. Why? Because of the imcompetent Brown himself.

    The trouble is, within Labour circles - even those that didn't like Brown believed the hype.

  7. Wow, twice in one lifetime, a new record for a newLab cabinet member...

    Shame Gordon with infinitely more eye is so incapable of being right about /anything/.


  8. Is this not 'the one-eyed man is King'?

    Anyway, Blunkett was also in the business of chiselling a place for himself alongside Brown - his standard technique being to denigrate others and present himself as an infinitely preferable choice. Even the monocular Brown could see that.

  9. Does David Blunkett still have his ministerial car? How can I find out? Did he finally move out of his ministerial residence, or is he still there?

    I really want to know if the British taxpayer is paying for a ministerial car to ferry a man who is not a minister and twice resigned in disgrace. And his ministerial residence? Labour are such sleazes I would not be surprised to learn he is still in possession of both.
