Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Daley Dozen:Thursday

1. Letters from a Tory analyses Gordon Brown's appearance and says it's not quite what it seems.
2. Chris Whiteside on the Margaret Beckett Award for Making Things Worse.
3. Rachel Joyce on the pros and cons of the 'A' List.
4. Olly's Onions pays homage to Bono's role in calming the credit crunch crisis.
5. Donal Blaney asks if think tanks provide value for money.
6. Cicero's Songs on the state of blogging in the UK.
7. The Taxpayers' Alliance says we should copy French plans to freeze public spending for 5 years.
8. Labour MP Paul Flynn reckons the Channel 4 Political awards were rigged.
9. Tim Montgomerie sides with the hares, not the tortoises.
10. John Rentoul on Open House becomes the latest leftie to withdraw support from Ken Livingstone.
11. Ben Brogan asks if Hain could spell the end for Gordon Brown.
12. The Spectator has launched a new blog for the US elections called Americano.


  1. Here was me thinking a dozen was 12 ...

  2. Iain,

    I think Paul Flynn's post that if you are against Peter Hain you are a racist and supporter of apartheid is better.......

  3. Of course Paul Flynn thinks those awards were rigged - the people he hates won. If Ken Livingstone had won he wouldn't be batting an eyelid.

    Far more disturbing is his post above in which he pretty much claims that anyone happy to see Hain go is a racist. Surely there are rules against MPs effectively libelling large chunks of the population.

  4. Well, these "lefties" are hardly falling into step behind Boris, are they? Most of them explicitly disown him. They should be backing the really progressive candidate, who will reject illiberal identity politics and communalism and govern in the interests of all Londoners.

  5. But Iain isn't standing, asquith....

  6. Were I to have a vote in London, I'd go 1) Paddick, 2) Johnson. Any Conservative or person who sympathises with Paddick but thinks he hasn't got a chance, give him your second preference at least!

    Even if it weren't for the fact that I just about prefer Boris to Ken, I have a natural bias against incumbents, especially if they've been around for a long time.

    But B. Paddick is still the best of them all, he's at the pinnacle of life. Like a lion.

  7. Iain, were you to have a vote, who would you place second? Assuming that B. Johnson is your first choice, you have a second. Would you give support to anyone, or would you rather spoil your ballot?

  8. you occasionally in your life hear about a new concept in physics which knocks your socks off - this new work on unparticles by respected (as opposed to nutter) physicist Howard Georgi is one of these. This is the guy who came up with Supersymmetry, one of the great (though unproven) theories of modern physics. His latest ideas are being taken very seriously. We live in a strange universe wih or without politics...

    It kind of takes your mind off politics for a while.

  9. Well, I can't think of a more usage for The Spectator to choose than categorizing Americans by a foreign name and the name of around 35m illegal immigrants.

    When an American blog carries a dedicated site for the British elections, I expect they will call it The Islamic.

    God! How stupid!

  10. Apologies, I left out the word 'ridiculous' in my first sentence re the adoption of the Spanish word Americano to style Americans in their own country.
