2. Fraser Nelson believes Cameron is on to something with Welfare Reform.
3. EU Referendum analyses Europe Minister Jim Murphy's "Mature debate on Europe" speech and finds it somewhat lacking.
4. Sky News's Jon Craig is very happy in his job. He must be. He tells us twice. No wonder he doesn't want to apply to be Labour Party General Secretary.
5. Guido accuses the BBC of invading America.
6. Mike Rouse reckons MPs should get NVQs is they want more pay. Yeah, right.
7. A New Zealand blogsite may breach electoral law according to Kiwiblog. Let's hope our own Electoral Commission don't get any ideas.
8. The ever thoughtful Quaequam argues against policy by smoke signal, and particularly that we don't need gay hatred legislation. Hear, hear.
9. Reports of NHS Blog Doctor's demise have been grossly exaggerated. He's back.
10. Red State thinks the Republicans should expel Ron Paul.
11. ConHome launches a campaign for fairer seats.
12. 66,000 British women have been circumcised been forced to have a penectomy clitoridectomy. Pickled Politics has the story.
I'm sorry, Iain, "circumcision" is not what happened to these girls.
ReplyDeleteIt is the female equivalent of a penectomy.
OK, Iain, open your eyes again. It's OK.
The girl will never have any sexual pleasure, and this horrendous act is done so she will never be tempted to stray and embarrass her family and her husband's family. In other words, it's done because if she has no sexual sensation, she won't run off with another man and cause her husband to feel inadequate in some way.
It is the ultimate sacrifice to the ego of inadequate men.
This is so primitive, in fact, I don't believe it is known in any other society on earth. It doesn't bear thinking of. The people who perpetrate this crime - sometimes on girls as young as six or seven, just so they don't get any ideas, should be imprisoned for life. Personally, for such butchery, I would go for the death penalty.
"Circumcision" is completely the wrong defintion. It is like referring to someone who has their head chopped off as having had a haircut.
Unless they've had their pens removed, the word you and your first commenter are groping for is 'clitoridectomy.'
ReplyDeleteNo, Chris, sweetie-pie, oh, all-clever one, I wasn't "groping" for the word. I have noted a marked distaste in the media for mentioning this word. It's worse than mentioning the War.
ReplyDeleteThey all clothe it in the absurd, acceptable word "circumcision" - knowingly or through ignorance -which doesn't apply to female anatomy, yet they persist in using this incorrect term.
In addition, I didn't know how graphic our host Iain would want a post to be.
So I tried to relate it, in the minds of men, to the horror with which they would regard having their penises cut off.
If the media are too jittery about using the correct terminology, the horror of what is being perpetrated on these little girls, who are held down on kitchen table screamings while someone with a sharp knife takes away their sexuality forever, is never conveyed to the public in civilised countries.
I believe - you will spring to correct me if I'm wrong - that the two worst-offending societies perpetrating this horror are Sudan and Pakistan. Why the media are so shy about calling a spade a spade has something to do, I am certain, with "cultural sensibilities" of the "community" perpetrating these crimes in our own country.
At least when a grown woman or girl in her late teens gets wind that this is going to happen to her, she can go to the police or, if the police want to wallow in cultural awareness and don't want to offend "the muslim community", the media. She at least has options.
ReplyDeleteWhat about little girls of six or seven who are butchered in their refuge - their own home? You know, they import these women from their tribal areas to come over and do this butchery. I assume a woman gets several gigs lined up and it makes the airfare worthwhile.
Forced marriages, multiple "marriages", "honour murders", butchery of girls. I would like to see the doors of every mosque in Britain nailed shut. This is primitive, male-oriented belief system that has no place in the advanced, enlightened West. Only men go to the mosque to pray. Women, bless them!, are allowed to pray in the home, where they belong.