Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Wednesday

1. I don't think Donal Blaney likes Michael Moore. And he's not too impress by Suffolk County Council either.
2. Tim Montgomerie on David Cameron's 'Government in Waiting'. Trouble is, it's only 9 strong.
3. Edland is frustrated by political hand wringing over Kenya.
4. Danny Finkelstein reckons Blair should "do right" by his former henchmen and women.
5. LibDem Voice has the maddest article of the year so far. OK it's only two days old. Apparently Cameron is a Cleggite...
6. Gordon Brown should look in the mirror says the West Brom Blog.
7. James Macintyre on Open House asserts that it was Nick Clegg who wielded the knife into Ming's back.
8. Three Line Whip castigates Nick Clegg for his Today programme interview this morning.
9. Pickled Politics highlights the alarming rise in prison suicides - up 40% last year.
10. Croydonian bemoans a new Finnish law outlawing multi-packs of beer.
11. Dizzy bemoans those who try to compare UK & USA internet campaigning.
12. Cicero's Songs doesn't think much off David Cameron's OfSick idea.


  1. More List????

    Like Tesco never mind the quality feel the width

  2. How typical of Blair that he should let his creatures down. I'm all for it, though.

  3. Play on words - Daily - Daley - I do this every day. Get it?

  4. I'm sure ConHome is aware that a govt is comprised of more than 9 people so Why do you keep subtly sneering at it ? Yes you were joking but i've picked up this patronising tone from you before.

  5. Re: 'Apparently Cameron is a Cleggite...'

    Not 'Cleggite', mate, but 'Clegg-Lite'! Can you deny it?

  6. Anonymous 7.21. Don't be so ridiculous. How on earth is it patronising or sneering? Most of the asides on these Daley Dozens are meant to be slightly acerbic or humorous. I am a great admirer of ConHome. Don't be so touchy.

  7. Rob, you appear to be labouring under a misapprehension. Clegg is Cameron-lite, not the other way around.

  8. Iain: why? Clegg's leadership is still very embryonic so it is hard to make too accurate an assessment of his character and policies this early, but the LDV article's argument was valid, if somewhat exaggerated. The Tory party on the ground is still innately socially conservative, more Michael Portillo than David Cameron, whereas the Lib Dems that have for so long been ruthlessly teased and subsequently disregarded as the 'nice party' (before it was decided that, in changing leaders, they were now the nasty party) are a much more apt base, in my opinion, for a leader in the Blair/Cameron/Clegg mould.
    The idea that any of them have moulded themselves on each other is ludicrous, granted - it is just that Blair made the young, charming politician template more popular and successful - but i believe Clegg will be able to reap the rewards far better than Cameron will.
