Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Thursday

1. Cicero's Songs reckons there's a bit of a war going on between Tory & LibDem bloggers.
2. Adrian Monck is unimpressed by Derek Draper's rehabilitation.
3. Labour MP Paul Flynn says today's nuclear announcement is the worst government decision since the invasion of Iraq.
4. Norfolk Blogger on Britain's appalling record as a surveillance society.
5. Donal Blaney has a word for people who back Democrats. Actually, it's a picture. But it's a word he could equally apply to Christopher Beazley MEP.
6. Westminster Wisdom says why Tories should agree with arts subsidies.
7. Shane Greer on finger lickin' battery chickens.
8. Should Ellee Seymour do her own housework?
9. Conor Ryan defends education league tables.
10. Bill Clinton wants to meet David Cameron, says Richard Spring MP.
11. Pickled Politics on what the young Bhutto should do now.
12. Nadine things Patricia Hewitt should be comforted by Jack Straw. He's certainly well practised.


  1. This seemed a good spot to slip in, as it hasn't had any comments so far, and I wanted to pay tribute to Edmund Hillary.

    Sincere apologies for the O/T.

    I saw him speak at a luncheon, and he had 'hero' written all over him. He wasn't bothered by his fame. His talk didn't have any self-referential frills. It was just a straightforward account of the conquest of Everest, without any side.

    He refused to say, as was their agreement, which he honoured for years after Sherpa Tenzig died, who was the first man to put foot on the peak of Everest.

    He recently admitted, when it didn't matter any more, before he died, that it was him. But the two of them honoured that secret for decades.

    A man of daring, endurance and honour. RIP a hero.

  2. Perhaps the greatest thing to come from the link to Cicero's songs is the quote that Iain Dales is "the Queen Mum" of blogging.

    God bless you, Ma'am!

  3. Ellee Seymour should stick to what she does best. Housework is the obvious choice.

    The prospect of Hewitt being 'comforted' by Straw is beyond human endurance. I feel nauseous when I recall how Straw squired the lovely Condoleeza around Bolton, and then the reports of the gorgeous couple joining the Mile-High club on their subsequent trip across the Atlantic. A truly grotesque coupling.

    And how will this not-so-young blade 'comfort' La Hewitt? Maybe a gentle back massage for starters, eh? Do the Great Offices of State have dimmed lights, and ample supplies of leather, pvc and baby-oil - all supplied at taxpayers expense, of course?

  4. Why does that not surprise me that ex-CND and proven liar an libel case loser Flynn is against nuclear power.

  5. Jack Straw will have been out in the cold in the US after taking Condoleezza's Rice's elbow to guide her down some steps or something, as though she can't negotiate steps on her own.

    Big, big, universal number one rule broken: You never touch someone more powerful than you. You don't even offer to shake hands with them until they offer their hand first. (Pretty women can sometimes get away with it if the touchee is a man.)

    This chippy,lefty student breach of universal protocol will have been well noted in DC.

    Chuck Unsworth you are a fantasist if you think that Jack Straw holds any attraction for women who don't need a favour from him. (We can see from your ensuing imaginative post that you are indeed a fantasist.) As the most powerful woman in the world, if she is interested in men, she will have an array of achieving, witty, polished men to choose from. Don't get any ideas about a mental and social dwarf like Jack Straw. He's always given me the creeps because there is no reason for him to have achieved high office. He's not very bright, he has a mean, pinched face and he has no social graces. Very odd.

    I saw an interview once where he said that his family was the only middle class family on his social housing estate. A meagre claim to fame.

    PS - Why do men think they're being courtly when they try to take one's elbow crossing the road? It drives most women mad.

  6. Derek Draper is a scumbag of the highest order and I say that having been kicked out of an office by the toadying little rodent.

  7. @ Verity.

    I'm not in a position to judge Straw's attractiveness to women - or to either sex, come to that. And I note your 'if she is interested in men' with some amusement - bearing in mind the various rumours. As to 'polished', well Straw certainly is remarkably 'polished' but perhaps not quite in the sense you mean.

    Of course Ms Rice may currently be 'powerful', but she's running out of time now, as, mercifully, is the rest of the ghastly Bush regime.
