Monday, January 14, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Monday

1. Gordon Brown is banned from North Yorskhire Pubs reveals The Right Student.
2. The Taxpayers' Alliance on their protest outside Barnet Court.
3. Philip Cowley from gets his fingers burnt on LibDem Voice when he accuses them of not being equidistant.
4. Le Daily Brute ce n'est pas impresse par l'abilite francais de Monsieur Tony Blair.
5. Kevin Maguire wonders whether David Cameron is telling the whole truth ... about smoking.
6. Rosa Prince lets her fingers do the walking ... to Neath.
7. Bob Piper wants your body. And in breaking news I can reveal that no one wants his.
8. Liberal England on how the LibDems avoided a bloodbath.
9. Donal Blaney has some hilarious examples of conversations with airline pilots.
10. Cassilis asks what the fuss about party funding is all about.
11. John Redwood argues against raising the school leaving age to 18.
12. Cranmer doesn't think much of President Blair.


  1. When I was younger, there was a teacher at school who we all thought weird. He took great pleasure in making the mundane a great act; cleaning his pipe out for 90 minutes, for example; and always bemoaned the state of the country and whether he could do better if he was PM. We hated him then. He's my role model now I'm pushing 40! I'm a grouchy so and so, I've started a blog and become political (and Political) in my old the point I'm off to Parliament on Wednesday. I've posted about it on my blog and have mentioned yours in the artile. If this is not okay, let me know and I will remove it.

  2. I have just followed that link and, I quote...

    "- people die for the right to vote! - so it’ll be great to finally get in there and schmooze!"

    You utter, utter prick.

  3. Really molesworth_1?

    Zimbabweans would surely love the vote.

    Kenyans have it and well, look what's happening there.

    The Georgian president was almost killed cos he dared to be different.

    If being a democrat or a parliamentarian makes me an "utter prick" well so be it.

    In previous roles I met MP's (backbencher's and minister's) and some were not what you would expect - I wondered how some tied their shoelaces let alone got elected, other's cam across as right arses in the media but you'd trust them with the Mrs and a million pounds when you actually met the real them.

    Being able to see MP's in an environment where there is no tv cameras, no message to get across is an excellent opportunity.

    Enjoy your cup-a-soup in your bedsit tonight...

  4. But of course the LibDems aren't equidistant. They're so far up Labour that they are cleaning the back of their tonsils.
