Friday, January 11, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Friday

1. Labour supporting blogger Skipper (who in real life is political academic Dr Bill Jones) has analysed Brown's PMQs performances and isn't happy.
2. Havering On asks if Gordon can be Hillary. Only on Sundays.
3. Left Luggage reckons the EDM authorities have a sense of humour. Look what's EDM 666...
4. Norfolk Blogger is impress by Chris Grayling. He isn't alone.
5. Britain & America on the Top 50 Britons in America.
6. Donal Blaney wishes Arthur Scargill a happy 70th. As do we all.
7. Dave Hill reviews last night's mayoral debate.
8. Dizzy investigates the PM's brother.
9. Damian Thompson on the madness of Bishop John.
10. Ron Paul wins the Comment Central primary.
11. Steve Richards feels Hain's pain.
12. Quaequam upbraids a naughty (and now £4,250 poorer) Labour MP.


  1. All excellent links Mr D!

  2. Glad you've got Skipper's blog up there. He is one of the more consistently insightful posters on the web.

  3. On the subject of Donal Blaney's post, that Scargill really is a nutter. Okay, so how many people does he think Stalin killed?

    Doesn't the Socialist Labour Party have a strict no-nuclear policy? Weird for an admirer of a state that so used and abused nuclear power. Chernobyl was not a realistic prospect in capitalist America. It was in Scargill's beloved communist empire.

  4. It's "Quaequam Blog!" - not "Quaequam".

  5. I have analysed Brown's performance on PMQs & am radiantly happy.
    (I had been getting fed up with your lists, but these Daley Dozens are excellent.)

  6. Way to keep your hands clean Iain! You wouldn't want to be associated with a pathetic attempt to smear a decent man as a racist would you?
    The Ron Paul link to comment central details this, but then you've never seen a conservative idea you didn't hate have you Iain?
