Monday, January 28, 2008

Brown Relaunches 'Britishness' Campaign...

... by ditching Britannia from the 50p coin...

[Shurely shome mishtake - ed]


  1. Probably getting ready to put the Saltire on the back instead!

  2. Brown showing he also sent his political and intellectual compass along when he had his moral compass demagnetised.

  3. Agreed-his head will now adorn the front, and the saltire on the back.

    The date will be replaced with the words "Nulab for ever!"

  4. No Bill, not the Saltire - the haggis.

  5. What's he replaced it with? I've seen a lot of people get very upset about this, but is it really that important?

  6. So that's yesterday's Mail on Sunday - 24 hours late! My, you blogging boys really do have the dead-tree press on the run!

  7. Groundhog day...

    It's always Groundhog Day with Gordon Brown in charge.

  8. As with everything NuLab/Brown does, it is not what he SAYS but what he DOES we should have our attention on.

    Alan Douglas

  9. Has he resigned? have I missed it?.

    Oops, missed the real message.

    So, remove Britannia and reinvent Britishness, and all will be well, the population will sleep better and we'll all forget the recent scandals and Northern Rock, et al, ad nauseum.

    You know it makes sense to keep NuLab in government, these poor people will starve if they're voted out of office, who would employ any of these tossers.

    It would be far far more useful if we were to stage a coup and place them and their families up against a wall, a last ciggie and cheerio.

  10. He's spent 10 years debasing the currency so why does this come as a surprise? Soon all the coins will be made out of that plasticky material so formerly popular in communist Eastern Europe.

  11. I gather the Lady will be replaced by a deep-fried Giro.

  12. If you can now get an A level from MacDonalds anything is possile.

  13. Might we demand a referendum on this outrageous decision? Is there nothing that this interfering power-mad megalomaniac can’t leave alone?

    When are the useless eminences-grises behind the Labour Party gojng to wake up and do something about this man who is making the UK the laughing stock of the world. This unelected buffoon must go before he and his gang wreak any more damage on the country.

  14. I really don't see what all the fuss is about. The Queen has been consulted over this decision, and has approved it.

    I don't see anyone referring to her as being anti-British - but then that would be letting the facts get in the way of a story..

    The real question is whether we would end up in the euro - in which case the Queen's head would disappear [figuratively of course..] and Brown, for all his faults, has done an awful lot of work to prevent that...

    Let us get back to some serious political commentary, instead of getting caught up in ridiculous 'Daily Mail' level nonsense...

  15. Anon 11.01
    You don't see what the fuss is about? It is about removing Britannia from the coins. She has been there a long time - a crime in itself for New Labour, with whom history began in 1997 - and her removal is a slap in the face for their opponents, i.e. British people.

  16. The Queen has been consulted over this decision, and has approved it.

    Errrrrr - Her Majesty is "consulted" on everything.

  17. To the previous poster: the Queen has to approve it. She has no choice.

    It's unbelievable that anyone should think of trashing our history in this way. Britannia was invented and first put on our coins by the emperor Hadrian (AD 117-138). It must be one of the oldest national symbols in the world. I hope there is a big protest over this. People do care about these things.

  18. Britannia has dis-appeared from the reverse of 50p coins before albeit for commemorative issues over the years. It's just a good headline to sell papers with.

    Check out this link:

  19. anonymous at 1101.

    Good morning your majesty.

    The Queen should do something to show her disquiet with this republican administration.

    With the EU President taking over her role. With Brown about to join the Euro. The Queen's head will no longer be on any of the EU currency.

    So if she does not speak up soon for her people. It will not only her head that will be missing. She, like her Dutch cousins, will be cycling to her appointments.

    Whilst President Blair and beloved Cherie will take over Buck Pal as their british home.

  20. Few people bothered to mention the even sadder loss of this 300 year-old tradition.

  21. To be replaced, no doubt, with the EU circle of stars ?

  22. Yak40 - Yes. This is obviously in preparation for joining the euro. Not only is this an act of treason, but Brown, showing the excellent judgement he displayed when he sold our gold reserves at gold's lowest ever price, he will take Britain into the wobbly, Mickey Mouse euro just as it is about to fold.

    And you Brits won't stop him. And neither will the absolutely pointless Queen. I'm sick to death of her. Ten years of Blair wrecking our cohesive society and trashing our history and she never uttered a squeak. I've been a royalist all my life, and now I'm not.

    We should get rid of her and have a republic along American lines. Any US president who even thought for a nano-second about trashing American history and American society the way Labour has trashed Britain would simply not have been able to get away with it. Too many checks and balances in the United States.

    Apart from which, American legislators love their country and are sworn to protect it. The British left is sworn to cleave ever closer to the Internationale and one-worlderism.

  23. Can't believe you've jumped on this second rate Mail oS bandwagon. As noted in the wikipedia link, even the Major government approved a mint design without Britannia. This is very lazy journalism, and equally poor blogging.

  24. [2:55] "This is very lazy journalism, and equally poor blogging."

    Then you'd be well advised not to waste your time coming back.

  25. By British labour means muliticultural, by multicultural they mean anything but white British culture.

    We will have a Polish design a Muslim design a gay design which will be withdrawn when he Muslims object A west Indian design (a particular leaf perhapes)a Irish design and yes probably a EU stars version.

  26. bj said...

    "So that's yesterday's Mail on Sunday - 24 hours late! My, you blogging boys really do have the dead-tree press on the run!"

    So I take it you will be ensuring that al-Beeb tv news never again runs a story a day or two after Radio 4's PM programme? Perhaps you could get itv news to also refrain.

  27. What has this to do with the government? Surely it is a matter for the Royal Mint. I doubt Gordon Brown (or indeed David Cameron) cares that much about who is on the 50p unless they are numismatists. It is good to freshen up the coinage from time to time and I am sure Britannia will return at some point.
