Saturday, January 05, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Saturday

1. Britain & America on why the US presidential campaigns need to embrace British journos.
2. Harry's Place reckons the Muslim organisations who came out in favour of Ken Livingstone should be reported to the Charities Commission. PDQ.
3. Headmaster Blaney issues a report card on Gordon Brown's Cabinet. Oi, you at the back!
4. Bob Piper is picking fights with my West Ham blog readers and Newcastle fans. A word in your shell-like, Bob...
5. Pickled Politics compares UK and US 24 hour news channels. The US comes out of it well.
6. More excellence from the Spectator's James Forsyth in New Hampshire. This boy will go far.
7. Tom Watson has delusions of grandeur, referring to "my government". Who does he think he is? The Queen? He reckons the Zimbabwean cricket team's tour of England should be banned.
8. John Redwood enthuses about Barack Obama. Who'd have thunk?
9. Burning our Money on Government IT disasters. Guess who's paying for them? Got it in one.
10. Biased BBC detects just a tweency bit of inhouse bias on the death of one of its presenters.
11. The Waendel Journal reports from Planet Toynbee.
12. Glyn Davies reports on Dave's big speech.


  1. Yes the Zimbabwean tour should be canceled.
    In the words of an EX captain (Mr A Flower) there is a lot of politics in Crickit(Name) so why is he are batting couch?

  2. Planet Toynbee. Ah yes. Interesting survival, that woman [I use the term loosely, of course.]

  3. You cannot reason with Piper , I have tried to be kind to him but he he is beyond all hope

  4. Yes, Forsyth is performing well. If he keeps it up he can aspire to a Wikipedia entry of his own in the near future :)

  5. Re Tom Watson MP's alleged delusions of grandeur: delusions of adequacy, surely.
