Thursday, December 06, 2007

You're beautiful, It's True

I have bought James Blunt's latest album. And I like it. Does this make me a bad person?


  1. You like Blount but not Wogan?

  2. No.

    But, deranged?


  3. it confirm our deepest fears...politically astute, culturally deranged!

  4. It's the musical equivalent of chopping off your granny's legs and running off with her handbag while giggling like a schoolgirl.

    But no, not a bad person per se...

  5. I used to think James Blunt was, well a bit of a James Blunt, but after seeing him on Top Gear this week I have changed my mind.

    That said, his music is still utter crap but if I saw him in the pub I wouldn't go over and lamp him as I was previously inclined to.

  6. Well... it is better than his last one at least! ;)

    A Swansea Blog

    K S Rees

  7. Do people actually still 'Buy' music these days?

    You will be bored with it within 7 days. Go get 'The Twang' album instead.

  8. No, just tone deaf.
    Terrible voice, but quite witty, to judge from his appearance on Top Gear.

  9. James Blunt will be hated forever by many music lovers, but his new album has got some unexpectedly good stuff on there.

    Still, I have no idea why you admitted buying it.

  10. I live in the Philippines. His music is popular here. 90 million people cannot all be wrong.

  11. James Blunt IS RHYMING SLANG. Your taste in music is just awful Iain. Sparks and James Blunt .

    Iain Dale doesn`t make Party mixes but if he did they would be the worst in the world

  12. Worry not Iain. It is nothing that 18 months in a titan prison, a bit of lax monitored electronic tagging or a few hours of 'dignity preserving' community service would not put right.

  13. Not a bad person just a person with an 'interesting' taste in music.

    Hey I like Streisand but that doesn't make me a homosexual. Does it?

  14. Yes. Unquestionably.

  15. P.S. Isn't a "James Blunt" cockney ryhming slang for something?

  16. Incidentally why is it your pop picks all have voices that are latter-day castrati , don’t you enjoy a rich textured and manly baritone and what can we read into this ?

    Have you thought of having a style makeover just get the whole lot sortd from tie to music ?

  17. Iain - so you have a soft centre. Not beyond reform at all no matter what others think...

    See also :

  18. I agree with Peter North, having seen Blunt on Top Gear I have change my view of him. Bright man with something intelligent to say - real change from most of the air heads who make up our music industry.

  19. You know the way people criticise middle class folk who take cocaine, saying they're enabling the drug dealing scum?

    Well, this is the same. Except much, much worse. James Blunt destroys lives. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  20. It used to be that brash american chap....... who was he? .."I can do anything but I won't do that".....
    now James Blunt!
    Ah well it'll soon be Daniel O'Donnell and Cliff Richard

  21. take no notice Iain I like James Blunt too

  22. Well, they say confession's good for the soul.

  23. He was proper funny on Top Gear. I wouldn't buy an album but that appearance made me like him loads. Very good Army sense of humour.

  24. I like James Blunt, I Really Want You is an excellent song on his new album

  25. Does it feature the track: "If I were a Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear"?

    As I blogged on your criticism of Church music: different people have different tastes.

  26. Ooops, Devil's Kitchen beat me to it ... :-)

  27. This is as sad as going to a Chris De Burgh concert. Surely owning up to it is even worse ?

    What next ? Confessing your love for Abba and Boney M ?

  28. You do realise that every time you listen to his latest album, somewhere in the world a puppy dies?
