Saturday, December 08, 2007

Who'd Want to be a Euro MP?

I have almost lost count of the number of glossy newsletters I have had from my four Conservative Euro MPs over the last few months. Sure enough, what should arrive in the post this morning but an envelope containing yet more guff from Messers Elles, Ashworth & Hannan. Could it possibly that reselection is around the corner? Perish the thought! Mind you, seeing as ordinary party members like me won't have any say in their reselection, it makes one wonder why they have bothered. Strangely, James Elles doesn't say in his leaflet whether he supports a referendum on the EU Treaty. I wonder why that would be then.

PS Nothing from Nirj Deva in the envelope. He goes up in my estimation.


  1. Iain, Why don't you give it up for Music and the Reselection Band ?

  2. Iain,

    Your obviously one of the privileged one's. I haven't received a single piece of literature from our MEP's ever and I don't live that far away from you.

    But there again I'm not a high profile commentator.

  3. I've had the Elles one arrive today -- twice (one copy directly and the other via our Group Whip), but nothing else -- yet!

    They have all been sending out regular (and very interesting!) email bulletins for years, and I have found all of them valuable. Now, though, they are not permitted to do so again until after the selection process.

    It's just how the system operates, I understand. fascinating times ahead, though...

  4. I'm told that some are sending Christmas cards to members this year... Not that I've received one- nor do I know anyone in my association who's received one- not that we ever receive anything in the mail from CCHQ or anyone outside of the association, for that matter! I'm assuming we won't be receiving ballot papers, either...

  5. I have had an ultra glossy Christmas card from Nirj Deva, wuth his picture on it.

  6. "Who'd want to be a Euro MP?"

    Me for one. Crackin' little earner.

  7. Den Dover MEP who covers my area, the North West region, when i was a councillor, and an aspiring councillor, he came out and helped me both leaflet and campaign about four times, more then many of the councillors on the authority. The district i was standing in was way out of the area he lived, but he is the kind of person when he comes up, he gets stuck in doing the hard work

    Well done, he will be top of my list.

  8. Iain,

    Don't you get Nirj Deva's emails?

  9. Turn out in single figures this time no doubt.

  10. The three London Cons MEPs regularly communicate with Party Members whose details they have, and I have found them all helpful, either with individual cases or help with canvassing, events and so on.

    And don't diss Dan Hannan! He's one of our brightest and best.

  11. Would that be Nirj Deva, candidate to be UN Secretary General?
