Thursday, December 13, 2007

Vote Labour Because Lampard's a Tory!

Over on my West Ham blog, I have started a regular feature called MY WEST HAM, where politicians and journalists answer a few questions on why they are Hammers fans. I've just posted an interview with Labour Home Office Minister Tony McNulty. You can see the full interview HERE, but the best bit was when I asked him to complete the sentence: West Ham fans should vote Labour because... His reply was one which might even tempt me... "Because Frank Lampard's a Tory"!


  1. who is Frank Lampard, and why should I care which way he votes? I presume he is some overpaid and brain dead footballer?

  2. That remark sums up the intellectual rigour that the Labour Party applies to just about everything.

  3. No, Lampard isn't a Tory but he is a James Blunt...

    I'm not sure which is worst?

  4. Bitter West Ham fans jealous of Frank's trophy Cabinet. tut tut

  5. Yes it's time West Ham fans got over their hatred of Frank Lampard.
    It's infantile and pathetic.
