Monday, December 24, 2007

Vote in my End of Year Political Awards


The polls have opened in the 2007 Iain Dale's Diary Political Awards. You have nominated people in 33 different categories, from Politician of the Year, Political Journalist of the Year, to Sexiest Politician of the Year and Blogger of the Year. You don't need to vote in all the categories but if you do, it should take you 10-12 minutes to complete. The poll remain open until 12 noon on 24 December and I will post the results between Christmas and the New Year.

Click HERE to vote.


  1. iain a fantastic retort by Alex Salmond to the Lib Dems in Scotland especially the last line.... a classic, makes Westminster look rather tame.

  2. Did you preempt the vote by excluding some nominees, I ask because 3 nominations I made never made it onto your lists

  3. The Welsh Tory leader is Nick Bourne not Nick Vaughan.

  4. Jean Shaw, I couldn't include everyone who peole had nominated. The lists would have been endless. So the broad crietria was that someone had to be nominated by at least three people to be included.

  5. Alex Salmond wins ploitician of the year! God, i even voted SNP in the recent elections!

  6. Good grief, the 'minister of the year' shortlist is depressingly short on quality; and how on earth am I supposed to choose between Yvette Cooper, Liam Byrne, Ruth Kelly, Harriet Harman, Ed Balls and Hazel Blears for worst minister? Tough one!

  7. The 'Chuckle Brothers' aka Paisley and McGuinness should only count as one person as they have barely been spotted apart this year. Deciding who to vote for is like picking between siamese twins

  8. Crikey, it was slim pickings for sexy politician of the year.

  9. What, no Nicola Sturgeon in the sexiest female? Also why no mention of the SNP winning the May election?

  10. I couldn't even bring myself to vote for Sexiest Politician.

    For humourist, I was severely torn between Quentin Letts and Anne Trenenman. They are both acutely observant and terribly funny.

  11. Where is Ron Paul?????????

    Apart from David Cameron's utterly sublime speech. Which was almost poetry, it was that bloody clever, even if it may or may not have been a load of lying bullshit.

    What Ron Paul has already achieved and said, has been the only high spot, of an otherwise horrendously dismal political year.

    Are there any REAL conservatives reading this blog??????????

  12. I just googled Nicola Sturgeon.

  13. Eeks,surely not yet more league tables - get me out of here fast!

  14. is the first name on each list the one you'd vote for?

  15. I stopped doing this when I got as far as a "best tory mp" list which had Nadine Dorries on it. Has the world gone utterly mad?

  16. D'oh, did no-one nominate Sky's Peter Spencer for most amusing political correspondent of 07? :)

  17. Curses, I didn't hear about this til today. Serves me right for seldom stepping out the leftyblogland bubble ...
