Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Shadow Cabinet Media Tarts List - November

Each month I track the number of media mentions for each member of the Shadow Cabinet through Lexis Nexis with the help of Julian Nicholson. Obviously you cannot judge the performance of someone purely on the number of press mentions they get, but it is an increasingly big part of any politician's job.

Highest climber is Theresa May. The biggest drop is Peter Ainsworth

1 - David Cameron 1927
2 - George Osborne 341
3 +1 David Davis 293
4 -1 William Hague 165
5 +3 Michael Gove 125
6 +3 Chris Grayling 72
7 - Caroline Spelman 68
8 -2 Liam Fox 58
9 +14 Theresa May 56
10 - Andrew Lansley 51
11 - Nick Herbert 49
12 +6 Eric Pickles 41
13 +3 Alan Duncan 26
14 +5 Grant Shapps 23
15 +7 Theresa Villiers 21
16= -2 Andrew Mitchell 20
16= -11 Peter Ainsworth 20
16= -1 David Mundell 20
19 +1 Francis Maude 19
20= +3 Sayeeda Warsi 15
20= -8 Philip Hammond 15
22 -9 Jeremy Hunt 14
23 -2 David Willetts 12
24= -7 Oliver Letwin 11
24= - Dame Pauline Neville-Jones 11
26 +2 Cheryl Gillan 6
27 -1 Patrick McLoughlin 4
28= -1 Lord Strathclyde 2
28= +2 David Lidington 2
30 -1 Owen Paterson 1
31 - Baroness Anelay of St Johns 0

Nick Clegg 450
Vincent Cable 411
Chris Huhne 301
Liberal Democrats


  1. These figures must be distorted as far as Theresa May is concerned. I wonder how many 'mentions' concern her dress code and cleavage? Most of them methinks!

  2. If there's a betting market for next month's list can I put a tenner on Sayeeda Warsi each way, please?

  3. Does that include radio and TV mentions?

  4. What Lexis Nexis doesnt show is the number of pictures of a politician in the papers...If a picture piants a thousand words, the results may be different!

  5. ohh another list, how very exciting.

  6. "Tarts"? Isn't that a word meaning "prostitutes"? What exactly are you insinuating about David Cameron?

    Clothilde Simon

  7. Three who would be in the top five or six oppositionists (Salmond would figure perhaps, but Galloway et al not) and from the Lib Dems is very good going by their standards.

    How many mentions did Lord Michael Ashcroft get as he lives on falsely borrowed ermine?

  8. A whimper of sympathy for Baroness Anelay of St Johns.

    It must be pretty dark in Newfoundland at this time of the year.
