Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Rise & Rise of Ed Miliband

Kremlinologists will love this one. For several months now, one of the offices in the Prime Minister's suite of offices behind The Speaker's Chair in the House of Commons has been vacant. A sign outside shows that three of the five offices are occupied by the PM himself, his two PPSs, Angela Smith and Ian Austin, and Alistair Darling. The nameplate on the other one remained blank - until yesterday. You might expect Ed Balls to have taken up residence, but au contraire. The new occupant is none other than Mr Ed Miliband. The green eyed monster has already appeared, I believe as fellow Cabinet Ministers quietly seethe at the access now enjoyed by the Cabinet's most junior member.


  1. He'd better enjoy his youth. Middle age might be slightly more problematic. What's his majority, anyway?

  2. I think he is effectively acting as Brown's Chief of Staff at the moment.

  3. He might have access to the great leader as consigliere but the council he has given has been pants.
    Another Brownite found out to be a lightweight

  4. Maybe it's because Ed Miliband hasn't questioned the wisdom of Uncle Gordon (unlike his brother) and hasn't monumentally screwed up (unlike Jacqui Smith) and hasn't announced any stupid policy ideas recently (unlike Ed Balls)?

  5. and maybe it is evidence of a deeper, physical relationship ?

  6. Do you think they sit late into the night by the open fire quoting Marx at each other?

  7. Is this boy any good? What does he really know? What does he bring to the party?

    Brown has surrounded himself with inexperienced, incompetent, sycophants. That shows great personal weakness and a lack of skill and judgement. Where in this government is anyone with real ability?

  8. Ed Milliband seems to be constantly by Brown's on the front bench even though he doesn't have an official cabinet job.

    Shouldn't the likes of John Hutton and Alan Johnson be planning their coup? Surely they are the only ones with any credibility left. Well?

  9. You're out of date, Dale.

    I saw the workman putting the sign up on Wednesday last week (laboriously trimming the laminated card to fit the slot).

  10. I think McBawgies simply likes to take a young man in hand.

    Ed is a nice, young, handsome, bit of rough trade, IMHO. Cut, one presumes.

  11. Julian, there is no way, believe me, Johnstone is going to try and grasp the poisoned chalice until after a General Election - all the senior Labour players know they will lose, and then will be the time to regroup and find a new leader.
