Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Quotes of the Day

"They don't like it when they can see their Government falling apart before their eyes" - Tory leader David Cameron after speaker Michael Martin intervened to restore order amid mounting uproar at Prime Minister's question time.
:: "It took Tony Blair 10 years before confidence in his administration collapsed. You've managed it in six months." - Mr Cameron to Gordon Brown.
:: "I know you want us to think that like the man in the canoe, you haven't been around for the last five years" - Mr Cameron.
:: "We can do it because we have run a successful economy - not the failed economy we inherited from the Conservatives" - Mr Brown says the Government has provided more police and thousands more prison places.
:: "I hate Titans ... The last time they came in they were called techno prisons. They were impersonal but all locking and unlocking was done electronically and it broke down the one thing that you need to have in prisons, which is the relationship between prisoners and staff" - Lord Ramsbotham, a former Chief Inspector of Prisons in England and Wales, on the proposed new 'super-prisons'.
:: "Every second, 15 DFID condoms are used somewhere in the world" - Junior DFID minister Shahid Malik tells MPs about the Government's efforts to fight HIV/Aids.
:: "Just to correct the perception I may have given, I have got nothing to do with the usage of these condoms." - Mr Malik.


  1. mr malik really is a hopeless case, he represents everything that is wrong with modern day politics, he is a greasy pole climber of the worst kind and plays more 'cards' then a high roller in Las Vegas.

  2. :: "We can do it because we have run a successful economy - not the failed economy we inherited from the Conservatives".

    Then why did the bogey eater stick to Conservative plans for his first 2 years?

    brown is lying here just as he did about the Ecclestone bribe (as andrew rawnsley wrote in his book).

  3. Following on from Gordon-Bennett, above, surely Gordon should be repremanded for lying to the House?

  4. "We can do it because we have run a successful economy - not the failed economy we inherited from the Conservatives".

    That's a lie! The economy was in an excellent state in 1997.
