Friday, December 21, 2007

Oh What Fun It Is...

Now, I've finished my final bit of work before Christmas. Any of you think I should start my Christmas shopping now? Just asking...

UPDATE: A very successful venture into RTW (that's Royal Tunbridge Wells for the unintiated) and brought back some good loot. Sony Centres are most excellent places, are they not?

Anyway, enough of such festive banter. Tonight at 10.35pm I will be reviewing tomorrow's newspapers on Sky News with someone who was described to me as the Political Commentator for Classic FM. Now that's the sort of job I'd like. Anyone got a number for Magix FM? :)


  1. No need to panic, plenty of time yet. I thought all men did their shopping Christmas eve!

  2. I never do any Christmas shopping. I won't be manipulated into spending by the stores and all their false jollity and cheap sentimentality.

  3. If you have started, that puts you well ahead of me...

    Bah, humbug!


  4. plenty of time... ido mine on the 24th!!

    Merry xmas Iain, and thanks for chering me up this year,

  5. Don't worry, there'll be plenty of petrol stations open late on Christmas Eve. Probably.

  6. Iain, the solution is simple...

    On Sunday phone all your friends and relatives, who you would give presents to. Say you are very very ill... flu. Say they should stay away so it does not spoil their Christmas etc.

    On the 27th December, hit the shops early. Get presents at half price, wrapping paper etc. Then in the afternoon phone the aforementioned friends and relatives saying you are much better and will bring their presents round.

    If you do not wish to lie. Simply buy all your Christmas presents for next year after Boxing Day and tell your friends and relatives that you are not giving presents until we have a Conservative government...

  7. Or even better - use the internet.

    The presents can even be delivered already wrapped and addressed !

    P.S. Unfortunately you've missed the last posting deadline. So I'm afraid you've just got to brave the crowds in Oxford Street !

  8. If you leave it till Monday you'll be able to join the hordes of increasingly desperate men roaming the streets, frantically buying anything and everything for their loved ones. Absolutely anything wrapped in some cheap wrapping paper from the local garage will suffice. Battered and wilting bunches of flowers will be snatched from the buckets outside. Graveyards will be plundered for any remaining posies. Supermarket shelves will be cleared of anything which looks and smells vaguely as if designed for women. Hand to hand combat will take place in the supermarket aisles as the last remaining boxes of Maltesers and Toblerones are fought over.

    Christmas - a time of good will to all men.

    There are moments when a change of religion is a good move....

  9. Real men only shop on Christmas eve.

    However - watch out for stores closing early to get ready for the the sales !

  10. Why it is thought necessary to worship the Lord with the smoke of millions of his feathered creation, to purchase and eat special food, pl;unge into debt -I shall never work out!

    Me - a book, bar of nice chocolate, new gardening gloves and Boots botanic range of creams, and potions (created with Kew Gardens and untested on animals, inexpensive)and I am quite happy.

    But then I remember when a tangerine, Daily Mail Annual, pair of hand knitted gloves or sweater, jig saw - and one year a Brumas soap kept us all happy!

    My grandchild thought her new well boots the best thing last year and ignored plastic even when it had the batteries.

  11. Just took me 40 mins to get out of supermarket carpark. I suggest you wait til mid Feb.

  12. Iain this must be a good moment to be gay - its only being married to women that makes most men get stressed about their lack of organisation at Christmas.

    Have a great Christmas

  13. Bloody heck, I bet Christmas day round Verity's gaff is a great laugh.

    I find Christmas shopping quite fun, as it happens. But I start in early November, typically, and slowly buy lots of nice gifts. A few days before Christmas I decide who to give them all to.

  14. Dear Ian, electrical items are a lot cheaper in the pub. When appearing at your next selection interview wear tweeds, carry a shotgun and be accompanied by two gun dogs.
    Have a great Christmas and New Year.
    PS In a last minute panic don't be tempted to buy a red and black basque or you'll be washing up for a year.

  15. On Monday you can join all the pensioners and those on Income support etc. Who will have queued up desperate to get their money before the post office closes and then have to rush around the shops before they close early too all because the DWP wouldn’t pay up early. It shows how the most fragile of people are treated by the nuLieBore regime.

  16. Sony Centres are good - I have now banned myself from going in! Just one question; did you buy for yourself or for others?

  17. bj - I just don't take my directions from department stores and the commercial sector in general. (While definitely acknowledging that the islamic Harrod's has an absolute right to try to milk the Christians. It's a free country ... well, almost free ... well, there are hate crimes and thought crimes and religious crimes and health and safety crimes and even "pretend" religious crimes if no real religious crimes have been committed by the indigenes ... none of which are mentioned in our constitution, which already had everything covered anyway, without Zanu-Labour's intense, destructive focus).
