Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Offended? Moi?


  1. Well who would have thought, that when this was recorded, Shane MacGowan would have out lived Kirsty MacColl. God rest her soul.

  2. How did you feel about the Pub landlord who was selling Barrymoore Pie ...Faggots swimming in Gravy ?
    ( Well drowning in it really )?

  3. Newmania - Naughty!

    I didn't listen to the words because one of the ugliest sounds in the world is the Irish accent. I had to get over my prejudice before I really liked the commentaries of Shane Greer.

    I have absolutely no idea what that video was about because it was all in pretentious black and white and was all in Irish accents and my ears have an automatic shut-down system. I can't think of anything more abrasive, yet self-regarding, than one of these grating accents.

  4. If you're not offended you ought to be. Have you no sense of what's expected of you?

  5. I miss Kirsty, but the song's crap anyway.

  6. Crap it may be, but it is better than all the rest of the xmas songs. The Irish accent may grate, but would you prefer Noddy Holder screaming “It’s …..”?

    Anyway, they must be laughing their xmas stocking off – you can’t buy publicity like this!

  7. Verity as usual rambled: "I didn't listen to the words because one of the ugliest sounds in the world is the Irish accent."

    So every single Irish accent offends you? Considering, like the UK, there are 101 different sounding Irish accents that is a wonderfully sweeping generalisation.

    And how on earth can an accent be self regarding? Self regarding is a personality trait - and accent is something you are grow up with!

    What am I doing? How can one argue with the logic Verity displays? Personally the accent I dislike the most is the Geordie..sinister, very sinister. ;)

  8. Verity
    In the interest of accuracy, Kirsty MacColl has a nice respectable non abrasive English voice. So you could safely listen to 50% of the song....a song which is probably the best Christmas tune ever recorded.

  9. the best one is "I Believe in Father Christmas" by whoever it was years ago - this one is too sad

  10. D'you think the BBC had a cunning plan to get Shane and Kirsty to no.1 this Xmas? No - probably not - they're just a bunch of PC automatons aren't they? Anyway all publicity is good etc etc and now even Nick Clegg has heard of it (for all those who heard his embarrassing interview with Eddie Mair yesterday ...)

  11. For those as missed it, here's the priceless quote from Calamity on yesterday's PM:

    Eddie Mair: Were the BBC right to censor Fairytale of New York?

    Calamity: Well I've never actually heard the song, but if the BBC saw fit to take this action, I think they will have had good reason to do so.

  12. some irony in verity's comments given that yet again they are grating, abrasive and self-regarding

  13. oh verity, verity,verity... you are such a "twunt". i feel better now...

    also Jane @ 11.31am:
    'I Beleive in Father Xmas' was by Greg Lake of Emerson, Lake & Palmer fame (or infamy, if you prefer...) & is indeed a fine song. It doesn't get played that much though 'cos if you listen to the lyrics too closely it tends to dampen the festive spirit. that's enough prog rock anorakking for now!

  14. molesworth 1 said...
    oh verity, verity,verity... you are such a "twunt". i feel better now...
    Aye, and an ignorant, racist "twunt" to be sure ...

  15. Am I the only one that likes it because its a damn good tune?
    To be honest, when the BBC announced it had banned the words -I had no idea to which song they were referring.

    Oh Verity, the soft accent of a charming Irishman can be very 'delightful'!

    It cuts both ways -my son's godfather is Irish and he famously said at his baptism that..'not even a dispensation from the Pope would save him from the wrath of his mother if she ever found out he had participated in an anglican baptism'

    Until I was in my fifties I was a natural ash blonde -we blondes get just as many asinine hurtful words thrown at us - as do redheads, if Peter Tatchel takes offence then I suggest he grows up.

    I also suggest that the PC brigade gets a life -fancy spending it worrying about the words of a song -can't have any sex lives themselves or they would get their enjoyment some other way!

    What a boring world they wish to live in.

  16. Shane MacGowan is an old boy of Westminster School - so how authentic is his Irish accent?
