Saturday, December 01, 2007

Off to Wicksteed Park

I'm off to Kettering this evening to speak to Wellingborough Conservatives at a dinner/dance. I'm afriad wild horses wouldn't get me onto the dance floor, but at least it means I can keep my remarks brief. I shall try not to let West Ham's glorious defeat to Chelsea affect my sense of humour... One thing I am looking forward to is seeing Wicksteed Park again (the location of the dinner). We used to go there a lot as children and enjoyed hugely all the entertainment there. I suspect it has changed a lot since the early 1970s.

I have a very good embargoed story to post at 10pm, so do come back later. I just hope I will be able to do it from my Blackberry. Still a bit tecnologically challenged, you know...


  1. Hi Iain,

    Interested to see that the RSS feed from your site says: "Huhne snapping at Clegg's heels in poll" - that wouldn't be the embargoed to 10pm story would it :-)

    Steve W.

  2. Ooh no Iain - Wicksteed Park - change - no - you'll think you have warped back in the 1970s !

  3. Iain,

    You've been scooped. Mike Smithson already has found out the headline figures and has a thread on A google search apparently gives it away.

  4. Iain get a BT Office Anywhere - they are one up on the Blackberry and you will get free calls when ring 10 nominated land lines and all other BT mobiles. Its all new you know.

  5. Especially now that the story is in the public domain, why are you agreeing to embargo the story?

    What benefit could possibly come of time-lagged self-censorship?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I wonder why you're going to Kettering to speak to the Wellingborough Conservatives, surely they can't be that asahmed of showing Wellingborough off to visitors!

  8. Iain, see if they still have the minature Weetabix bus.

  9. 12% lead - not exactly "snapping at the heels"

  10. "I just hope I will be able to do it from my Blackberry. Still a bit tecnologically challenged, you know..."

    Also spelling challenged, I note, Iain(!) I can usually work out what your typos mean, but occasionally it takes a moment or two to work out what you intended.

    We all do this, of course, but we cope.

    Meanwhile, here in Chatham, the more technologically un-challenged Chavs have both a Blackberry and a Burberry...

  11. As an ardent Ulster rugby fan I can see the problem you have with your team losing.

    By the way: where the hell is Kettering?

  12. The donargate scandal extends into new territory tonight. The Daily Mail have a report into donations of £830,000 in the past eight months received by Labour, from Iranian-born car dealer Mahmoud Khayami.

  13. So where's the story?

  14. Daily Referendum said...
    "The donargate scandal extends into new territory tonight. The Daily Mail have a report into donations of £830,000 in the past eight months received by Labour, from Iranian-born car dealer Mahmoud Khayami."

    All perfectly legal. "What's the problem?

  15. You too. It seems that nearly everyone I know, inc myself, vistited Wicksteed Park at some point in their childhood. I myself esp enjoyed the lawnmower engine powered racecars

  16. Anon,

    Yes it was legal, however was Labour's so called "spirit of the law" broken to enable this man to donate?

    Read the article.
