Thursday, December 13, 2007

More from the Readers Survey

1250 people took part in this survey


June figures are in brackets

Conservative 64% (57%)
Labour 8% (12%)
LibDem 9% (7%)
UKIP 4% (6%)
SNP 2% (2%)
Green 1% (2%)
Don't Know 7% (9%)
Won't Vote 3% (4%)
Others were less than 1% each


Once a day 22% (23%)
Twice a day 23% (22%)
More than twice a day 27% (31%)
A few times a week 19% (18%)
Once a week 5% (4%)
Less than once a week 2% (2%)

I then gave a few statements and asked you to agree or disagree (the figures do not round up to 100% because I haven't given don't knows)

Iain posts far too often - 5% (4%) agree, 81% (87%) disagree
Iain is just a Tory Party mouthpiece - 11% (14%) agree, 75% (74%) disagree,
I would read his blog more often if he were more impartial - (10%) 9% agree, 77% (80%) disagree
I'd like to see less gossip & more analysis - 14% (13%) agree, 68% (71%) disagree
There's too much stuff about blogging - 31% (26%) agree, 41% (48%) disagree
I like his occasional personal rambling - 72% (75%) agree, disagree 10% (9%)
He's not half as influential as he thinks he is - 24% (26%) agree, (27%) 21% disagree
Iain is responsive to his readers - 62% (60%) agree, 7% (7%) disagree
Iain is far too fair to his political opponents - 19% (18%) agree, 47% (47%) disagree
If he gets something wrong he is usually quick to apologise - 76% (70%) agree, 6% (6%) disagree
I never read the comments 22% agree, 74% disagree
I have made a comment within the last month 34% agree, 61% disagree
Iain has the balance about right regarding comment moderation 61% agree, 6% disagree
Iain is right to ban swearing in the comments - 74% (76%) agree - 13% (15%) disagree
Iain should never censor comments - 13% (14%) agree, 78% (77%) disagree
Iain should introduce comment registration & disallow anonymous comments - 31% (33%) agree, 43% (46%) disagree
I would comment more often if the anonymous trolls disappeared - 32% (39%) agree, 34% (27%) disagree

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