Friday, December 21, 2007

Ming on the Make!

Sir Ming Campbell hasn't lost much time in jumping on the post-political gravy train. He is joining the Board of the Scottish American Investment Company. Delighted for him.


  1. I hope you get paid for promoting Blackberrys. Small compensation for losing at Maidstone, but every little bit counts

  2. Known as "Saints".

  3. Last time I invested in SAINTS was 1991.
    Has had a good run as late but looks like it's topped out, a £324m capitalisation. Directors have paltry holdings in the stock.
    Much preferred Scottish Mortgage and Monks in the Baillee Gifford Stable.

  4. SAINTS is not a gravy train.

    Poor choice of words. Quango is a gravy train - you are paid excessive remuneration for 'work' of no value whatsoever.

    Whatever else Ming is, he is not a snout in the trough merchant.

  5. Whatever else Ming is, he is not a snout in the trough merchant.

    Oh Yes He Is

  6. Savonarola said...
    "Poor choice of words. Quango is a gravy train - you are paid excessive remuneration for 'work' of no value whatsoever."

    A Directorship for a retired senior politician is a classic example of the political gravy train. Gravy trains are not specifically to do with quangos.

  7. I've always liked Sir Ming as an individual and have the greatest respect for his life and achievements. I just never thought that he would be a great party leader , however.

    It's something which some people are very adept at and others aren't.

  8. Does this mean the FibDems will no longer refer to opponents as "two jobs **INSERT NAME HERE**" anymore?

  9. Up to his ankles in the gravy train then! cant these buggers ever retire and do nothing or fish,play golf??
