Friday, December 07, 2007

Let's Play Dominoes, New Labour Style

And if Harriet Harman should accidentally fall...
And if Jack Dromey should accidentally fall...
And if Peter Hain should accidentally fall...
And if Jon Mendelsohn should accidentally fall...
And the little one said, roll over...
Copyright David Abrahams 2007


  1. Nice post- political dominoes should be a game played more often!

  2. "And if Wendy Alexander should accidentally fall, and
    "And if Harriet Harman should accidentally fall... and
    "And if Jack Dromey should accidentally fall...and
    "And if Peter Hain should accidentally fall... and
    "And if Jon Mendelsohn should accidentally fall..."

    There'd be one Brown bottler, hanging on the wall.

  3. Verity:

    This is really a bit spooky. Have you been looking at my blogette over the past fortnight?

    Probably not!

    However, your post has a certain sense of deja vu...

    If not, you can find the shameless link here

  4. Then we would piss the next general election the way we did the last one when you used this tactic.

    Tories are losers... and at general elections the people are definitely not thinking what they are thinking... and long may it stay that way.

  5. No, Jonathan, I've never visited your blog and I don't go to links at all.

    But if our minds were running on the same track, let's hope the electorate may be on the same track.

  6. Jonathan Hemlock - I don't know why, but my post in response to yours hasn't come up.

    I do not click on links from bloggers who post in the three or four blogs I frequent.

    I therefore don't know what you linked to. No offence, but I just don't visit links. If it was a similar point, then, snap! But the dêja vu is all yours.

    If ever I pick up a similar idea from a fellow poster, and run with it, I always acknowledge it.

    But I don't go to embedded links.

  7. I would like to add to my last post, it makes me so angry to listen to polititians try to excuse their dishonesty by saying that its 'OK' because everyone else is doing it!
    The law is the law and dishonesty/law breaking can NEVER be excused, period! Elected representatives are subject to the law and those in power are in a prime position to benefit from corrupt practices!

    Let me put it this way,

    No ifs or buts, there is NO excuse for lawbreaking/lying/corruption in public life, NONE!

    I can only wonder what honest Labour polititians are thinking when they not only see how many NuLiebour commisars have their grubby fingers in the till but how people like Piper and Boothroyd et al try to excuse and hide the corruption!

  8. Dominoes?

    Surely they should be "knocking" shortly?

  9. "And the little one said, roll over..."

    and which prominent Tory did they find in the bed?


    Merry Xmas!

  10. It's interesting when the Labour trolls come out to play. For them it's no longer about policy it's about making sure their tribe stays in at whatever cost.

  11. Bob Piper,

    Dead right. Why waste good torpedoes on a decrepit ship which has blundered into a mindfield it laid and forgot about? It's already set a couple off and is listing. There'll be more.

    Just sit back and watch the fun.

    There's no need to waste bullets machine gunning the survivors either. Just watch the sharks feeding.

  12. Great to see Cassandra come storming in with a flame thrower.

  13. The only people who can get Wendy out is the SNP

    they will move on her when it suits them not when it might suit a Westminster agenda

    the SNP don't want to cash their chips too early :-)

    so message from Nats at the moment is - keep Wendy, but keep her voyage stormy

    hope you all understand
