Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How Incompetent Can You Get?

It seems that Jacqui Smith is in a whole lot more bother over Police pay. Her performance so far as Home Secretary makes one hanker for, well any of her predecessors (excepting Blunkett, of course). It has emerged today that thousands of police support workers, including custody and forensic officers, have been offered a pay rise of 2.5%, backdated to September - the very payrise she has denied to serving Police officers.

David Davis comented: "This adds insult to injury. Not only has the Home Secretary been incompetent and less than straight forward with the police, her claim that restraint was required in the police pay deal has know been completely undermined."

I can't see how see how anyone could disagree with that.


  1. I guess the pre supposes that she might have been competent once .... maybe?

    She'd better watch her back if she ever needs the services of the police. I can just see the urgent response team, just so eager to help her out of a sticky situation, not

  2. We need to set aside political point scoring and consider the very real damage this Government is doing to OUR country.

  3. I feel the enquiry into Donorgate will be protracted and thorough.

  4. Un-blinking-believable. I can only say she must be a real sucker for punishment, because she's really going to get caned over this one.

  5. The government seems to be trying to make a point, but I can't see what it is. Are they trying to goad police officers into doing something?

  6. As an august commentator might say, serial incompetence criminal corruption.

  7. Jacqui Smith will keep her job. They all do.

  8. Ian - referring to Blunkett's disability with an oh so funny name like "blinkett" is one of those moments when the surface of today's Tories is exposed. Thanks for reminding us what you lot are really like.

  9. It was a typo. I and U are together on the keyboard. Now corrected.

  10. I agree with the last anonymong. A better nickname for Blunkett would be "Expenses Fiddler", "Bonkett", or perhaps "Failed Boring Diarist".

    There's no need to dwell on the idiot's disability for laughs when his abject intellect provides ammunition so superior.

  11. This seems an entirely cretinous move on the part of HMG (quel surprise!).
    There are those of us who will always remember, with disgust, Thatcher's callous use of OUR police against US, but to try & gain redress by capping their current pay award displays a petulance which is, frankly, beyond the pale.
    The focus of our original fury was the use of 'OURS' against 'US,' so the fight should have always been with 'them'. The police are not 'them', they are those of us who choose to serve the public without the right to strike. For the govt. to pick a fight over inflationary pay awards (my ar*e!) with one of the few arms of state who cannot legally protest by the withdrawal of their labour displays a cowardice which shames us all, regardless of how we vote.
    This current administration seems woefully stuck in the past. It is as if they are trying to settle an old score by 'roughing up' the weapon rather than those who weilded it, all of which belies their ability to politically understand the situation before them. Runs on banks & a pointless fight with the police. This govt. is a farce, but I am no longer laughing.

  12. As an august commentator might say, serial incompetence criminal corruption.

  13. Typical crass Brown Government stupidity.

    I liked the Met’s response, featured on London Tonight, which is to threaten to close Hampstead Police Station. I can just imagine all the New Labour “luvvies” writing to J. Smith in protest.

  14. I wonder if Jacqui Smith really knows what's going on in her Department? I suspect the news that support workers are getting their rise back-dated came as a complete surprise to her.

  15. "The government seems to be trying to make a point, but I can't see what it is. Are they trying to goad police officers into doing something?"

    Yes, of course they are.
    Police swear loyalty to the Crown (i.e the people)and are not fully under Government Control
    PCSO's DO NOT. They are controlled by the GOVERNMENT (albeit at the moment through the Police but it CAN and WILL be changed)

    The current lot of useless 'friendly' PCSO's can easily be replaced by placed thugs in the event of a 'National Emergency' like a Police Strike or Work to Rule.
    Once that has happened weep fot your country and think of Germany in the 30's

  16. Holders of the Office of Constable (which excludes Metropolitan Police above the rank of DAC) swear loyalty to the Crown and are therefore at the whim of an 81 yr old lady and have no contract of employment. Members of Police staff are contractually obliged to carry out directions of the Chief Officer. Many members of Police Staff carry out roles which Police Officers would have done but for which legal powers are not required - they deserve their rise as much as Police Officers - who do you think you are talking to when you phone 999, who investigates your road accident - you want more police on the streets this is the result.

    PCSO's etc can be replaced by Special Constables who swear the same oath, have the same powers, but do it for free............
