Saturday, December 01, 2007

A Government on the Edge

I wonder what a psychologist would make of the statements by Labour Ministers over the last week. First they were in denial. Denial turned to outrage and now they they are begging for sympathy if the interview with James Purnell on the Today programme is anything to go by. I reckon a psychologist would diagnose a government on the verge of a collective nervous breakdown.

And you know things are really bad when Denis MacShane is wheeled out to write an op-ed piece in a national newspaper. It's a bit like a staff sergeant in May April 1945 reassuring the Fuehrer that there's nothing to worry about and it's really the Russians who are about to get what's coming to them.


  1. Purnell also gets to write an article of utter drivel for the Telegraph. Iain just what is the DT editor on to allow these people to waste newsprint on such guff?

    There a place for that sort of things and its the Guardian where what they say can be safely ignored.

  2. Iain, not even the most fanatical staff sargeant attempted to reassure Hitler in May 1945 that the Russkies were on the run.

    He killed himself on April 30.

  3. On the BBC purnell said that Gordon was very dpressed about this - Gordon it seems is close to the edge.

  4. DT editor might be enjoying allowing idiots in a hole to keep digging deeper. It might in a strange way prevent too much Tory triumphalism leaking out.

    (Even if Tories are enjoying themselves this weekend as Labour implodes)

  5. In the Telegraph this morning Denis McShane ,who I sometimes quite like is forcing himself to squeak out the pitiful suggestion that corruption is a cross Party issue related to funding . It is not. The supposed sleaze of the Major period to which he refers involved cash for questions .A few MPs and a few thousand . Actually cash for questions is still going on and Emily Thornberry was recently caught in Private Eye .. ? Admittedly is was campaign funds rather than beer money but it’s a rain drop in an ocean now . . In our modern world of super sleaze such minor indiscretions barely rate a mention. Major`s travails were nothing to do with funding the Party which Denis is hoping we have forgotten and it is a shame to see him reduced to lying , to protect his bankrupt Party ,Thus corruption spreads like ink in the Goldfish bowl.
    Cash for peerages and Poulson style bungs for planning permission are of a different order. Cash for Private equity in return for favourable tax treatment and cash for Bernie Ecclestone are again millions not hundreds and have we forgotten the cash for mortgages emanating from off shore sources maybe so with the Augean stables assailing the collective nostril now one gets confused .The main stay of Labour Party fundning is Union cash , itself an absurd anachronism whereby many Conservatives are obliged to paying for Labour and in fact a money Laundering exercise whereby £10 million of ‘modernising’ quids are taken from the tax Payer and returned as a donation.

    Whether Gordon brown knew anything or not ,and if he did not know about cash for peerages he must be a co congenital idiot , he was running the lection campaign , he presides over a Party emerded to use Boris`s favourite terms ,so far ,that there are no clean patches left to wipe the foulness away. Complaints about Lord Asghcroft are a red herring ,the Conservartive Part remain more than willing to do without such large contributors as they have many small ones . It is the Labour Party who stalled negotiations by their ravenous need for Union washed tax Payers money to ad to the misuse of communications budgets there sitting MP`s habitually engage in and the use of Union clerical staff and support they have no right to

    Their problem is this . Labour was a mass Socilaist movement for the working classes . It is now a Frankenstein stitched together from interest groups like immigrants , welfare scroungers Unions and public sector gaping beaks . Ordinary people loathe it and when it dropped socialism at Blackpool half the old Party left. It has no bona fide source of support only bribed votes . Like the slave armies of the Persians these hirelings will not put themselves out and they do not put their hands in their pockets . SME owners detest the anti business Labour Party but are generous in small chunks to the Conservatives . This is the real problem.

    After Blackpool the lie of new Labour began and it is since then that they have been a systemically corrupt cancer on the body Politic . The country has clearly had enough and I doubt that losing the useless cadavre they are lumbered with will help. I will not be at all surprised to see them try though.

    Shanme on youi Denis Mc Shane , you analysis is ignorant vapid and childish . You are now spending credibility and at this rate you will soon be stealing that from somewhere as well

  6. Keeping with the German analogy - it's more like the last days of the Weimar Republic than the final days of Hitler ! How this shower think they can hang on for another 2 years with crisis, sleaze and innuendo all the time marching the Labour Party on to anhilation at the polls or think that they could shoe-in another replacment in Gordon's place should he be forced from office without the need for a General Election on the question of confidence shows that they are totally deluded and desperately clinging to any life raft available whilst it's everyman/woman for themselves

    And those CDs are STILL missing and Northern Rock has soaked up £30 Billion of tax payers money to date . In any election campaign be it 6 months or 2 years hence this lot are going to be absolutley "creamed"

  7. Labour apologist Michael White was also on Today, just before 9.o'clock. Yesterday he was bullying Sarah Sands on The Daily Politics, because she dared to be critical of Brown.
    He tried it today with Mathew Parris and came unstuck.
    What a loathesome creep he is.

  8. The McShane, Purnell, Michael White axis illustrate two points

    1. How bad things really are and are likely to get

    2. How far they will sink to avoid things getting that bad.

    The more vitriolic they are, the more the opposition should know they are right.

    Keep looking for the real reason the identity was concealed. Ask yourself who is profiting from all this?

  9. Read the comments on McShane's article. He went down like a sausage roll at a Bar Mitzvah. I could only find one positive comment on his piece in the Telegraph. Some very intelligent reposts to his misguided, dishonest ramblings (including the above from Newmania cross posted).

  10. Are you sure that Purnell was actually there?

  11. McLabours pitiful response will be thus:

    lots and lots talk talk talk from Broon in front of podiums with a small group of handpicked audience members, lots of catchy soundbytes and gimmicky headlines to create the illusion and pretence that the Labour Regime are actually going to do something and that they are actually capable of doing something.

    McLabour must never be allowed back into power once they are voted out, i hope decent upstanding parties like the English Democrats can in time come to replace this vile traitourous, communist scottish infiltrated 'Labour party' as the main opposition, who can push the Conservatives who i hope will rebrand as a Party of ENGLAND.

  12. Michael White's becoming hysterical, Matthew Parris tormented and exposed the shameless and belligerent sycophant quite wonderfully on the Today programme today.

  13. Newmania said ...
    ".... cash for Bernie Ecclestone"

    Don't forget that \little Bernie gave the same amount to the Conservatives when they were in office.
