Friday, December 21, 2007

(Don't) Look in the Mirror, Under Fiction

The Daily M****r will do anything to slag off David Cameron, but today, their new political correspondent (and a friend of mine!) James Lyons demonstrates how pathetic they can be. In THIS post on Kevin Maguire's blog he reckons the Parliamentary Bookshop has placed a book called Conservative Revival: Blueprint for Britain in the Fiction Section.

The only trouble is, last time I frequented the Parliamentary Bookshop they didn't have a fiction section. But what more should we expect from the Daily M****r?


  1. The worst thing about The Mirror is the fact that it clearly thinks itself something other than the trashy tabloid it is.

    A Swansea Blog

  2. The Daily M****r would know all about fiction, wouldn't they!

  3. Maybe Iain you cannot tell fact from fiction? After all, you are (still) a Tory uyou know!

  4. I wouldn't worry about it Iain - even the Mirror's readers are beginning to realise it is a joke of a paper - for years they've been deserting in their droves. The Mirror is an endangered species...

  5. Sorry, I couldn't keep up.

  6. There was a time when they could (just about!) jegally get away with adverts saying "If you really want to know, look in The Mirror!"

    Interestingly, that was dropped a number of years ago, and one cannot help wondering why. Advertising Standards regulations, perhaps?

  7. The Daily Mirror should know all about fiction. Just ask that idiot Piers Morgan.

  8. Speaking of fiction, does anybody remember when I got lynched on here for mentioning that the Nativity was a classic work of fiction?

  9. Conservative Revival:Blueprint for BRITAIN.
    Is it in the Belfast bookshops?

  10. The Mirror is a voice for all 'working class' people. The journalists there are real examples of the working class getting paid peanuts to fight against 'the forces of conservatism'. Yep, The Mirror is an example to us all in our faultless new Labour society! Now that's fiction! I'm working class and they sure as s*it don't speak for me!

  11. Since NuLab clearly view 1984 as a reference manual is hardly surprising they've got their fiction and non-fiction sections mixed up.
