Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Daley Dozen: Wednesday

1. POST OF THE DAY So who's the Cleggie who owes Mike Smithson of Political £500 smackeroos and won't pay up?
2. Letters from a Tory has spotted a burying bad news story. I thought that sort of thing didn't happen anymore!
3. Fraser Nelson explains how Gordon Brown lies about misrepresents a Tory donation issue.
4. The Three Line Whip has a scoop on the non Granita agreement between Cameron & Osborne. Only trouble is that the same scoop has been given to the Daily Mail too.
5. Sky News's Gary Honeyford on how he nicked all the PM's pies. And no doubt scoffed them.
6. Shane Greer likes a man in uniform. As does the Iron Lady.
7. Stephen Tall on LibDem Voice writes a letter to Cleggy.
8. Paul Linford on Calamity's first day - no to God and no to an English Parliament.
9. Mike Rouse has a list titled: You know you;re a Coventrarian when... No, really. He does.
10. Ellee Seymour doesn't think much of Labour Minister Phil Woolas's blog.
11. Quaequam starts a SAVE THE RENNARD campaign.
12. Cranmer on Clegg. A must-read.

Feel free to email me recommendations for tomorrow's Daley Dozen.


  1. Iain, with this list you have struck gold. I read almost all, and appreciated about 95 % of what I read.

    These daily (do you really mean "daley" ?) links are a treasure.

    Alan Douglas

  2. Yes Iain, Frazer Nelson is saying what many of us are worried about! There have been several instances, or, putting it more bluntly "NuLab Catastrophes" during the last few months which have presented an opportunity like never before, for the Conservatives to hammer NuLab onto the canvass and then give them a good kicking. What has happened instead is a Marquis of Queensbury job by the Conservatives which is not how we are going to win. Bloggers, such as yourself are doing more than the leadership and the opportunities have been sadly wasted. We have to wake up to the fact that Brown is first of all a bully and a coward. He is not only cunning, but devious and totally without conscience. We are not going to win the next election by scoring Brownie Points at PMQs, but by challenging him every time he makes his now well-aired statements on the economy and by using the media to identify him as a mean slob of a man, not fit to run this country. I hope that the latest fiasco of disallowing pensions for women who have been caring for their children in the early years, comes back to bite him. Why don't Tories hit hard and promise to overturn that in the future.

  3. Iain, I find it interesting how you can jump on / off the godbotherer bandwagon to suit your mood and to win an argument.

    Last refuge of the scoundrel, if you don't mind me saying so...And a lazy argument to boot...

  4. I enjoy these "Daley Dozen" items, and it does save my re-inventing the wheel of going around checking everyone else's websites myself.

    My only puzzle is: why are the links usually to the comments section rather than to the article itself? I need to read the article first, and then scroll down to any comments (and occasionally there hadn't been any yet, so I was looking at a blank comments area!)

    Just one of those little mysteries of life...

  5. Thanks for flagging Mike Rouse's post about Coventrians. We prefer to run the city down to discourage sourtheners (wurzels and cockneys) from coming as they confuse us with Brummies - definitely the Second City (of the Midlands). It's also because many of them mispronounce the City's name "cuventry", the silly conts.

  6. Gallimaufry wrote, in part: "It's also because many of them mispronounce the City's name 'cuventry' "

    When I was on New Street railway station a decade or so ago, I was intrigued to hear an announcement, in a perfect Sid Gilbert voice (an old "Crossroads" reference there, folks!): "...Coventray..." and I have assumed ever since that this is the correct pronunciation.

    Am I right to do so?

  7. Agree completely with Vienna Woods. Also, Alan Douglas. Is there a hidden meaning in Daley Dozen which only the insiders appreciate?

    9:59 - Is it necessary to be so offensive to the deeply held conviction of others? What is your problem? What motivates your drive to destructiveness? Christianity has been around for 2,000 years. How long is the blink of an eye of your life? Does it bother you that you look adolescent, self-important and ridiculous?

  8. I've just had a chilling thought about the Daley Dozen. Is it a cute reference to Dale's name? Please say it isn't so!

  9. John M Ward wrote:
    "When I was on New Street railway station a decade or so ago, I was intrigued to hear an announcement, in a perfect Sid Gilbert voice (an old "Crossroads" reference there, folks!): "...Coventray..." and I have assumed ever since that this is the correct pronunciation.

    Am I right to do so?"

    Only if you want to be mistaken for a Brummie, John.
