Saturday, December 08, 2007

Beware of Labour Attack Pups Bearing Gifts

Oh dear, Labour attack pup Tom Watson MP is "delivering presents up North" again. We all remember what happened last time he did THIS. What can it mean? If I were Ed Balls I'd be drawing the curtains, switching the lights off and hiding behind the couch...


  1. Will a "Big Red Book of New Labour Sleaze" be on his list for Santa?

  2. Ian you cant write another book about labour sleaze because too many trees would have to die and it would(at this rate)be out of date before its printed.
    Think of the trees!!

  3. Nice to read about Tom helping his constituents.

    Maybe you can attack him when you get a proper job Iain.

  4. Will he pop in to see Milburn, I wonder...
