Monday, December 03, 2007

Another Day, Another Funeral

I'm just about to drive to Norwich to attend yet another funeral. That's three in three weeks. Someone once told me that the first time you attend more than one funeral within a month is a sure sign that you have reached middle age.

Today's funeral is for Rose McEwen, who I got to know when I was working in the Norwich North constituency in the mid 1980s. She was chairman of the Hellesdon Ladies Branch, who I used to call the Hells Angels. Rose was a formidable lady, who, even in her early nineties was still a very independent woman and a party activist. We continued to stay in touch and always exchanged Christmas cards. She died last week at the ripe old age of 94. Everyone on Conservative politics in Norwich will miss her greatly.

1 comment:

  1. I ahve a feeling I did some telling with her in the very early 1990's.
