Friday, December 14, 2007

And Coming Up on the EU Horizon...

Gordon Brown received another kick in the proverbials in Lisbon yesterday. Remember his much trumpeted wish that there should be no further tinkering with the EU's inner workings for at least a decade? Well, while the cat's away...

Former Spanish PM Felipe Gonzalez has taken on the mantle of EU Wise Man from Giscard D'Estaing - two less wise men I can hardly imagine, but I digress - and will lead a group of Ten 'Sages' in a so-called "Reflection Group" whose task will be to assess the next stage of development of the EU. They will report within three years.

I wonder if our gap year Foreign Secretary argued very hard against its establishment. I doubt it. The thing is, we all know what it will conclude - that we need ever more integration and this can only be achieved with the release of more national vetoes...blah... pooling sovereignty...blah. And so the whole charade goes on. And its us poor buggers who suffer from a continual erosion of our hard won democratic rights.


  1. Make sure you check out Mardell's excellent Euroblog post on this topic - it suggests that Sarko wanted to use this forum as a way of kicking the Turkey accession into some very long grass. But he has been kept away from this group, as nothing and no one can be allowed to derail the EU project for yet more expansion and federalism. It makes me sick !!!

  2. Surely Mr Brown will approve of carrying out a review on an issue to report so far into the future that everyone has forgtton why it was set up in the first place.

    Isn't this his approach to domestic issues? 31 reviews since becoming PM according to that chap at Bloomberg

  3. Part of the problem here is that the Tories wanted EU Enlargement big time, as it would help scupper the Franco-German power base. Many Eurosceptics also hoped it would pour sand into the workings of the EU,and bring the engine of federalism to a slow but grinding halt.

    Unfortunately this threat was seen by the EU, and made it absolutely clear that there was no way the juggernaut towards a super-state was slowing down for anyone, and plans for the EU constitution and sweeping away of national vetoes and democracy began.

    We have now signed off on the fruition of that, and are back into another cycle of expansion by bringing in a load of pseudo-commie states who will soon be outvoting us on health/industrial/foreign policy. Isn't democracy wonderful?

  4. Yes Iain and that erosion is NOW complete.

    If we had another Hitler rise to power in Europe. What would we want to fight him now for?

    We did not fight and die in our millions just to save a few more million Jews.

    There was almost as much propaganda inspired hatred of ordinary poor Jewish people in Briton and America during the 30s as there was in Nazi Germany.

    So what other essential liberties would we sacrifice a generation of young people for now, that have not already been conned out of us?

    Obvious answer is, NONE whatsoever.

    Which is partly the point of the EU. Its not only to avoid deliberately having to have inter European wars to cement the power of money and the establishment.

    It is to deliberately create the conditions for a later day unelected unaccountable European dictator to come to absolute power.

    In short the complete end of effective national and pan-national democratic accountability for the ordinary individual citizen.

    Which is why DC has brought in the Localist ideology. Which is classic NWO Liberal politics.

    It will soon be about the only game in town and Cameron knows it.

    Cameron has every chance of not only becoming the next PM of the UK. He will most likely be the LAST.

  5. Some idiot in a related thread (I forget which one) said that "Europe" had "given us" 50 years of peace, an "amazing achievement".

    Can he (I forget his name) adduce any evidence whatever for this - on the face of it - lunatic assertion?

  6. Your previous post about Britain's contributions and now this would be fine if they weren't from someone who supports the Conservative Party. I left the Party some years ago over their insistence on staying in the EU (the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, something they knew to be untrue) and I invite you, Ian, to do the same, or at least resign from the candidates' list.

  7. RE: "Gap year Foreign Secretary"

    What is it with these Tory jibes about Milliband's age?

    He's 42 years old - his opposite number William Hague is 46, have those extra four years of life made all the difference?

    Plus Hague was - IIRC - around 36 when he became Tory leader and still sub-40 when he ran for PM in a general election.

    So the Tories believe 39-years-old is a suitable age to occupy the highest office in the land, but 43 isn't old enough for Foreign Secretary?

    PS: Cameron is 41. Milliband is 42.

  8. Oh, it won't be happening for three years? No problem: I will have emigrated by then...
