Thursday, December 20, 2007

The 2007 Iain Dale's Diary Political Awards

As it's the end of the year, it's time to look back on the last twelve months of political activity and draw some conclusions. I've drawn up a list of awards for you to nominate people for. You can either do it in the comments section below, or click HERE to go through each category and make your own nominations. Nominations will remain open for the rest of the day and voting will begin tomorrow and remain open until sometime on Christmas Eve. I'll then publish the results between Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

Politician of the Year
Minister of the Year
Worst Minister of the Year
Shadow Cabinet Minister of the Year
Best Political Commentator/Columnist
Best Political TV Programme
Best Political Radio Programme
Political Broadcast Journalist
Political Print Journalist (daily/magazine)
Political Print Journalist (sunday)
Conservative MP of the Year
LibDem MP of the Year
Labour MP of the Year
Minority Party MP of the Year
Political Communicator of the Year
Political Campaigner of the Year
Political Speech of the Year
Pressure Group of the Year
Peer of the Year
Political Humorist of the Year
Political Magazine of the Year
Political Book of the Year
Political Blogger of the Year
Right of Centre Blog of the Year
Left of Centre Blog of the Year
LibDem Blog of the Year
Political Website of the Year
World Politician of the Year
Political Moment of the Year
Political Hate Figure of the Year
Political Gaffe of the Year
Sexiest Male Politician of the Year
Sexiest Female Politician of the Year
Welsh Politician of the Year
Scottish Politician of the Year
Northern Irish Politician of the Year

Click HERE to make your nominations. Remember, nominations close at the end of today.


  1. Sexist Female - Teresa Villiers

  2. Anything else you want to get of your chest: masterstroke.

    I nominate Iain Dale for services to public mental health.

  3. I know I'm not exactly independent, but may I nominate for Political Magazine of the Year - as endorsed by the Conservative Party Chairman - The Difference

  4. Will you rig the awards for your mates like Father Timothy has done on Conservative Homo?

  5. Political gaffe of the year will probably end up being a long list of Labour antics - so much choice, but sadly there can only be one winner.

  6. Sexiest Female Politician of the Year
    Anne Widdecombe
    Brains, integrity and guts, but also feminine.
    Too old for me and not my type, however, I bet she would make a far better dinner companion than all those harpies and harridans that that seem to infest parliament.

  7. Peer of the year, but no rear of the year? Shorely shome mistake?

  8. I have started but there are a few that I can't answer.Is that okay? There are no guidelines.

  9. "a long list of Labour antics - so much choice, but sadly there can only be one winner"

    Perhaps just nominate:

    The Labour Party January 1st - December 31st...

  10. Having seen Pauline Neville Jones on Newsnight last night, can we have a category of worst Shadow minister of the year?

  11. Ooooh I'll have fun with this! Instead of an evening flaked in front of the telly it'll be an evening flaked in front of the telly with my laptop in front of me...can't wait!

  12. Iain, I'm guessing this is a little late to ask now, but it would have been great if you could have added a 'best question at PMQ's' category...

  13. Well, "political blogger of the year" is obvious! Indeed, it was your lead, Iain, that eventually persuaded me to start my own -- obviously nothing like in the same league, but it's a start!

    I'd agree with John Hayward about "The Difference" -- it really is very good indeed, and needed to be done -- it was a gap to be filled, and that has now been done extremely well.

    I'm not expert enough to comment beyond these two. I have a few thoughts on some of the other categories, but others here will have more informed opinions so I leave it to them!

  14. Political Hate Figure of the Year

    Can I nominate Piers Morgan? He's not a political figure, but I hate him.

  15. 1) Politician of the Year

    Peter Lilley

    2) Minister of the Year

    Liam Byrne

    3) Worst Minister of the Year

    Peter Hain

    4) Shadow Cabinet Minister of the Year

    David Davis

    5) Best Political Commentator/Columnist

    Peter Oborne

    6) Best Political TV Programme


    7) Best Political Radio Programme

    Eye on Wales

    8) Political Broadcast Journalist

    Andrew Neil (runner-up: Vaughan Roderick)

    9) Political Print Journalist (daily/magazine)

    (aka, the ‘War Nerd’)

    10) Political Print Journalist (sunday)

    Jeremy Clarkson

    11) Conservative MP of the Year

    Graham Brady

    12) LibDem MP of the Year>

    Vincent Cable

    13) Labour MP of the Year

    Gisela Stuart

    14) Minority Party MP of the Year

    Adam Price (Plaid Cymru)

    15) Political Communicator of the Year

    William Hague

    16) Political Campaigner of the Year

    Iain Duncan Smith

    17) Political Speech of the Year

    David Cameron's 2007 Conference speech.

    18) Pressure Group of the Year

    Migration Watch

    19) Peer of the Year

    Lord Strathclyde

    20) Political Humorist of the Year

    Rod Liddle

    21) Political Magazine of the Year

    The American Conservative

    22) Political Book of the Year

    'The Triumph of the Political Class'- Peter Oborne

    23) Political Blogger of the Year

    Steve Sailer

    24) Right of Centre Blog of the Year

    Peter Hitchens (runner up: )

    25) Left of Centre Blog of the Year

    Chris Dillow (Stumbling and Mumbling)

    24) LibDem Blog of the Year

    Peter Black AM

    25) Political Website of the Year

    18 Doughty Street

    26) World Politician of the Year

    Ron Paul

    27) Political Moment of the Year

    The election of Nicholas Sarkozy.

    28) Political Hate Figure of the Year

    Ken Livingstone

    29) Sexiest Male Politician of the Year.

    Nicholas Soames

    30) Sexiest Female Politician of the Year.

    Nadine Dorries

    31) Welsh Politician of the Year

    Darren Miller (Conservative)

    32) Scottish Politician of the Year

    Alex Salmond

    33) Northern Irish Politician of the Year

    Ian Paisley

  16. Off thread, but on the BBC newsite, under "UK Should outlaw paying for sex" there's a wonderful picture of a tom with the name Harriet Harman underneath. I don’t know how to copy it so have a look before they spot the error (presumably it is an error).



  18. I gave up after putting Ron Paul at the top. When I realized I was forced to put NONE next to almost all of the rest.

    Apart from voting for Robin Cook as the best Labour minister of all time that is.

    God rest his honest if not a little oversexed and very over trusting soul.

  19. i nominate that you narrow down your list of catagories!

  20. Labour MP - Gwynneth Dunwoody for sticking to her principles.

    Conservative MP - Graham Brady for sticking to his principles.

    Political Journalist (Daily/Magazine) - Simon Heffer for sticking to his principles.

    Political Journalist (Sunday) - Peter Hitchens for sticking to his principles.

    Minor Party - UKIP for sticking to their principles.

    Political Gaffe - Patrick Mercer for telling the truth.

    Political Book - Scared to Death by Christopher Booker & Richard North.
