Saturday, November 17, 2007

Will the Brown Jinx Hit Scotland?

Oh dear. I've just sat down to watch Scotland v Italy and Gordon Brown is in the crowd. Why should this bother me? Because at every sporting occasion he attends, a British team tends to be on the losing side. I am filled with dread.

UPDATE 5.01pm: The Brown jinx strikes in the first minute, Italy go one up.


  1. Can someone keep that man away from important international games!

  2. how funny is that. the bloke just lumbers from one disaster to anotherI had exactly the same thought when I saw the gurning one in the crowd

  3. ferguson was offside LoL :)

    Who cares?! it's a goal!

  4. YES!!! The Jocks are losing (so far)!!! Big headed bas*ards come unstuck yet again- and yes, the papers in 'bonnie Scotland' today has mentioned that the footie team are 'bravehearts'(yuck)! Btw- the 'Daily Record' has McFadden as a Gladiator on the front page!!The amount of fun i'm going to have with the natives if Scotland remain on the losing side!! Eeee, this could be as much fun as when the Jocks had their arse handed to 'em by England in Euro 96!

  5. Oh sh*t- it's Jocks 1/ Pasta Munchers 1!

  6. simon, given that Scotland equalised 10 minutes before you posted that, I'd shut up if I were you.

  7. Oh such joy! Italy have stuffed the jocks. Is Brown still smirking?

    Yeee Haaaahhh!!!!!

  8. I'm not watching the match Anon! I thought you would have gathered that! I want the 'Great Satan' to lose, so i'm not tempting fate. I'm just returning 'the love' that the Jocks regularly display to the English.If you don't like it- tough. Go cry to mama.

  9. McStalin does it again! If England do qualify, what are the odds on Brown inviting the squad to no.10? Everything he touches turns to shit!

    Is he even a Scotland football fan? I thought his favourite sporting moment was Gazza against Scotland in Euro 96? :oD

  10. Cheer up Jocks! At least Kenny Logan's still on Celebrity Come Dancing.

    1-2 LOL

  11. YES!!!!! Jocks lose!!! There is a God after all! It's not all bad- the Scottish side has two prime bits of totty in it, namely Kenny Miller and Scott Brown! I'll await with baited breath how the media up here play the defeat in tomorrows papers!

  12. Its glorious defeat again.

    Its worth getting hold of a copy of "only a World cup excuse" for one of the best outlines of Scots World cup history and the tradition of glorious failure.

  13. Israel 2 Russia 1

    3 minutes to go!


    Stick that in your pipe Hiddink!!!!



  15. israel win and the jocks lose. new yougov puts England DC 6 points ahead of the scottish snot gobbler.... there is a god....and hes english!

  16. simon u sund rassian :-)

  17. Just read what Gordo said in the build-up to todays game, and thought everyone would enjoy reading it, in the light of today’s 'brave' result:

    Mr Brown said: "I'm not going to predict the score but I am going to predict that Scotland will win.
    I think they deserve to win. They have proved that during this group when they have done absolutely brilliantly. And I believe that the whole country, right across Britain as well as Scotland, are rooting for the Scotland team"

    Love the bit where he reminds everyone that Scotland is part of Britain. He is an embarrassment to Scotland, Britain, Humanity.

    Don’t you just LOVE injury-time winners! (In Glasgow and Tel Aviv!)

  18. We must start a campaign to keep that freak brown away from Englands game against croatia.

    Stay Away Gordo You Jinx

  19. Brown is looking very green round the gills today, and I don't think it's just because of the Scot's defeat.

    He looks ill to me.

  20. I remember when English people used to support Scotland in the area of football (hey, it must be true - they always bang on about it while complaining about the awful Jocks).

    I suppose it's similar to how the Serbs were all nice loyal hard-done-by Yugoslavians until those other folk started getting uppity.

  21. BUT what did MacAuslan say???

    Someone please email George Macdonald Fraser immediately!!!

    As fer the Serbs, the Sassenach may soon be rueing that THAT mob were so sweet & tender-hearted and failed to keep the Croats well & truly down & out.

    Anyway, today's REAL news, sports fans, was in SEATTLE (yes, it rained) where U of WA beat Cal Golden Bears (1st time in 5 yrs) before home crowd in Husky Stadium. Next week: 100th tussle for covetted Apple Cup between UW & cross-state rival WA State U.

    NOTE: this season, UW is the Partick Thistle of the Pac 10.

    AND my alma mater LSU defeated Ole Miss (a rivalry that makes the Apple Cup look like Maidstone v Maidenhead) and is still ranked #1 in the USA.

  22. "And I believe that the whole country, right across Britain as well as Scotland, are rooting for the Scotland team"

    After ten years of a Scottish government destroying England??? He really is mad.

  23. Update on tha' Jocks losing! The Sunday's (well, the tabloids) are going along the expected route- crying about a bad referreing decision! 'Over and Out' is my favourite headline, but almost all have a nice piccie of the McFadden with his shirt off! And yes, i had a glass of Voddie to express my gratitude to the Russians!

  24. Up to the last few minutes we were drawing with the world champions (& we wuz robbed in the refereeing decision that created that goal). That may not have been a victory but I am certain it is a result England would have been pleased to get away with.

    Now if Gordon Brown had been at the game with Georgia, which we entirely screwed up, the Jinx claim would have validity.

  25. First we have "Bliar" who lies us into a war that kills our boys, then we get "Broon" who needs to be coached on how to smile of all things!! What the hell is going on in this country, for F**C* sake - New Labour indeed!
