Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Who Deserves the Award of Policymaker of the Year?

Tomorrow night I am going to be part of a judging panel which will decide the World Policymaker of the Year Award for 2007. Your nominations please.


  1. Boris Johnson - the PM has already taken on board one of his initiatives.

  2. Though itpains me to say it, George Osborne. He is not only setting Tory party policy but also influencing Labours.

  3. The King Of Spain should be given an award for straight-talking, which should be everyone's policy.

  4. The government of Belgium

  5. Labour MP Stephen Byers - for inheritance tax proposals taken up by Osbourne this year.


  6. If it's Al Gore your credability will have gone out of the window...

  7. This must be a truly international figure, not a parochial nonentity.

    So His Grace nominates the Pope.

    For grasping greater than anyone the implications for Europe of an ascendant Islamist agenda, and for daring to articulate these concerns cogently and incisively.

  8. If it is quantity rather than quality, how about Mr Hugo Chavez ?

    Alan Douglas

  9. George Osborne.

  10. Vaclav Klaus for saying that every sensible person knows that global warming is nonsence & that Al Gore is insane.

    Lee Kuan Yew for lifetime achievement.

    The Chinese Praesidium for general competence.

    Google for putting up the Lunar Exploration X-Prize.

    Myself for standing at the Scottish election for cutting income tax by 3p - something which the Scots Tories, in an astonishing display of movement, have adopted today.

  11. George W seems the obvious choice -- or is the award for making good policy?

  12. You won't like it, but it probably should be Gore.

  13. I endorse Graybo's suggestion: the King of Spain.

    The government of Belgium - Very funny. I read that if they don't get a government soon, the French are thinking of annexing Wallonia. Seriously. That might be a world policy that people would notice. Although, given Belgium, perhaps not.

    Final choice: I'm with His Grace. The Pope is the only powerful world figure who understands the consequences of letting islam seep into Europe. He is also the only one with the resolve to control it.

    Vaclav Klauss, another great suggestion. And LKY for creating an entire country out of a jungle.

    Some enjoyable suggestions. But my vote goes to the Pope because he has set himself the task of saving Christendom and all its values, and Western civilisation, and I believe he will do it. [Declaration of non-interest: I am not a Catholic.]

    Watch all the fundamentalist atheists come screaming in spitting hatred.

  14. Sadly the world "policymaker" for the next few years will be the IPCC scientists and their scaremongering report. There will be no end of disastrous follow on policy initiatives from various politicians all in the name of saving the planet.

  15. Wouldn't normally say it, but IDS's policy report on social justice was a really good contribution...

  16. [Declaration of non-interest: I am not a Catholic.]


    as you are so keen to spot others' grammatical errors, I should point out that the correct term is 'disinterest'. As you have expressed a view on the topic, clearly your stance is not one of 'non-interest'

    yours ever

