Saturday, November 03, 2007

Weekend Open Thread

Apologies for the lack of activity today (again). I'm with my family in Essex and they have no internet access. Even my 3G card won't work. And my Blackberry still won't receive email, although I have just discovered it can send it, hence I can do this post. Actually, after the cold turkey of the first 24 hours, it has been rather nice not to be addicted to my Crackberry and check email every time the red light flashes.

Last night's event in Dagenham was a fantastic success and raised £4,000 for Simon Jones's campaign fund. It was a little offputting during my speech to be constantly interrupted by a drunk woman constantly talking. She seemed to have a skirt on which, shall we say, left little to the imagination. Luckily, I don't have much of an imagination.

Tonight, before I do the paper review on News 24 at 11.45pm I am - brace yourselves - going to see Yasmin Alibhai-Brown's one woman show in Brentford. I'm not exactly sure what to expect but I will report back tomorrow! I know the mention of Yasmin's name usually excites a frenzy, so do calm yourselves in the comments.


  1. Did you check out the new Adnams Brewery in town? LoL :) Hot topic.

  2. One woman show? Does she have a song and dance act?
    One thing is certain - she won't get through the evening without using the word "racism".

  3. Where we are headed, the hiddern face of the Marxist Mandelas South Africa and Mugabes Zimbabwe.;_ylu=X3oDMTFjNjlhZTk0BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMjkEY29sbwNhYzIEdnRpZANVSzAyNjNfMjYzBGwDV1Mx/SIG=11osv4b7l/EXP=1194180350/**http%3A//

  4. For all her nauseous cant Alibhai Brown aint the problem. The real problem are the silly, white, bleedin' heart liberals sitting in the gallery who Yasmin simply has to play to.


    If it wasn't for their insatiable need to cringe to 'otherness' Yasmin would still be a happy go lucky subber on the Romford Gazette telling anyone and everyone who wanted to know that she didn't have a drop of Indian blood in her veins.


  5. Four hours later and no comments. Now that may be because you've left moderation on and disappeared off the air. On the other hand, it may be that mention of Yasmin is the blog equivalent of the neutron bomb and I am the last blogger left alive...

  6. Bad behavior in Dagenham?

    Surely you must be Barking.

  7. "A Conservative Party candidate will be disciplined for declaring that Enoch Powell was "right" on immigration.
    Nigel Hastilow, Tory candidate in Halesowen and Rowley Regis, made the comments in a newspaper column."
    (BBC site)

    I wonder how many of those screeching for his head (and there will be many) have read Enoch's actual speech ?

  8. all Tory blogs seem to be napping tonight. Well Mr. Hastilow isn't at least

  9. There seems to be an awful lot of Building Fires and consequent loss of life since July 2007. Has it got anything to do with discreet Smoking in buildings which no longer have Ash Trays?
    My family and I had a choking time recently at the Blackpool illuminations as the pavements were full of tens of thousands of smokers huddled in doorways and alleyways full of paper and rubbish. There must have beeen many more huddling inside.
    Banning smoking in public and business buildings is another costly Labour Law?

  10. good old frinton eh?

  11. As it's an open thread, does anyone realise the damage that this young man Milliband has done in not attending the State Visit of King Fahd of Suadi Arabia?

    The first state visit in some 20 years and the British Foreign Secretary does not attend as he is on 'paternity leave'

    I have it on good authority the Saudis are hopping mad (at worst) and feel they have been deliberately insulted (at best).

    Obviously done as a political 'sop' to the left and the moaning liberals, this socilaist government continues to damage the interests of this country.

    I notice also, very little comment in the press.

  12. Hastilow
    Doesn't seem to be an Anglo-Saxon name.Does anyone know its origins?

  13. Although YAK40 pointed out - has anyone actually read Enoch Powell's speech - the Left have once again - suppressed freedom of speech - and Nigel Hastilow has been bullied out of being a PPC.

    Before anyone points out Hastilow's resignation was after being condemned by members of the Conservative Parliamentary Party - it is obvious they are scared of the Stalinist Left with their playground bullying taunts of 'racism' if anyone DARE question unfettered immigration.

    When are we on the right going to stand up to the bullying Left and stop this level of political harrassment. And - of course - the majority of these imported impoverished immigrants vote Left!

  14. Jill, London, agreed. But how is it that they are able to vote in British elections? In the US, you have to wait five years to even be considered for citizenship, and then you have to take exams and swear an oath. It's also five to six years before you're allowed to apply for citizenship of India.

    Manfarang, apparently his family has been in the area since the beginning of the 1700s. So presumably, he is an indigene.

  15. I saw the dress. It was more of a wide belt, extending from just above the nipples to just below the waist.

    Mind you, the person accompanying the dress was even more drunk than the dress was.
