Thursday, November 01, 2007

October Stats: Overtaking Guido

This month has been the second best ever on the blog with a record 276,072 unique visitors, nearly 20% up on the best ever previous month, July. Page impressions were also a massive 519,104, which is 110,000 more than July and more than double October 2006. Absolute unique visitors is now more than 55,000, which is almost double the circulation of the New Statesman and approaching that of The Spectator (the print versions).

For the first time ever I have had more traffic than Guido, a fact he comments on HERE. Triumphalist? Moi?

Here are my top 20 linking sites (ie incoming hits) for October. All these sites referred at least 200 people here. The arrows denote whether a site has moved up or down or stayed static since September...
1. ConservativeHome 15.7% ↑ 2. Guido Fawkes 10.5% ↓ 3. PoliticalBetting 7.5% ↔ 4. Spectator Coffee House 2.5% ↑ 5. Biased BBC 1.85% ↔ 6. Dizzy Thinks 1.7% ↑ 7. Daniel Finkelstein ↑ 8. Bloggerheads ↑ 9. Daily Referendum 10. UK Polling Report ↑ 11. Paul Linford 12. Ed Clarke ↔ 13. Witanagemot ↓ 14. W4MPDevil's Kitchen ↑ 15. Luke Akehurst ↓ 16. Archbishop Cranmer ↑ 17. Islington Newmania ↑ 18. Mikey's Tent of Reality ↑ 19. Bel is Thinking NEW 20. Not a Sheep NEW


  1. Is Iain 'appy at being 'Pick of the Pops' ? Not 'arf !!

  2. 'Top of the Pops' ?

    'Still Number One !'

  3. Or as the Human League sang..

    'But don't forget it's me who put you where you are now, and I can put you back down too !'...

    Break out the champers old boy, you deserve a little celebration..

    Guido has been off the boil with the 'breaking stories' for a while, so it may prompt him to raise his game...

  4. Will Guido be blaming this on a 'wet summer' in a Radio Five Live style ?

  5. Quick ! Book your MessageSpace ads NOW ! Before he hoiks his rate card in a Northerly direction...

  6. Guido has been crap recently - not enough real stories just crap comment. And as we all know you do crap comment better than anyone (that really was a compliment!)

  7. "October's politically turbulent month was a record for ConservativeHome. The site received 298,834 unique visitors (up 20% on last month's 248,374 and up 75% on last October). There were 697,797 page reloads (up 11% on last month's 626,555 and up 34% on last October). The top five referrers were National Review Online, Coffee House, Guido Fawkes, Political Betting and Little Green Footballs."

  8. How do you know I'm unique? I could have visited the site before with a different IP, user id, port number, pseudonym etc. IP address etc is ISP-assigned dynamically, I can change it simply by re-logging on.

  9. Congratulations to Tim Ireland at Bloggerheads for coming in the top ten.

  10. Interesting.

    W4MP is a parked advertising only page.

  11. Forgive me for being a brownnose Iain, but it's well deserved.

    Guido has a tendancy to go Awol a bit too often, and the quality of comments here is rather better than Mr Fawke's site...

  12. Perhaps people are slightly bored of the fact the sole concern of Guido's commenters appears to be the sexuality of politicians, or at least ill-formed claims about their homosexuality, something which they all appear to view with a mix of disgust and fascination.

  13. I notice Chris Paul isn't in the list.....some mistake surely??

  14. Well done and deserved. If you want to see ferrets fighting in a sack, this is the top table, but the essence of Iain Dale's diary is Iain, with the political gossip, the sturm und drang and the life of a regular bloke.

    Don't rip up the recipe.

  15. Well done Iain. I would be more than happy with a fraction of your visitors.

  16. I am proud to have such an excellent blog on my link list.

  17. Guido has, unfortunately, gone downhill. The Newsnight thing was a disaster. The confident predictions on charges over cash for honours, and Blair "doing an Aznar" have given his credibility a blow. And, as has been pointed out, the comments are woeful too.

    I'm sure he would just say "F 'off and have a full refund" but it's a shame, because it seemed like he was the future once but the stats don't lie I'm afraid.

  18. Glad i'm not the only one who thinks the comments on Guido's blog ruin it, I just dont bother looking anymore.
    Well done Mr Dale.

  19. Well done Dale.

    Keep it up and we'll see you alright.

  20. Fawkes and his crowd are an absolute shower.

    You, in spite of being a shirtlifter, get my vote. And I never thought I'd hear myself say that.

  21. must be all those fans of Australian politics... :)

  22. Well played Iain

    Any tips for an aspiring blogger?

    Perhaps you can pass on your talents for winning to WHFC?

  23. Who is Guido?
    So if you've reached these heights of popularity you must be in the same bracket as Big brother, Stars in their Eyes and X factor, the Daily Mirror, The Sun and the Sport. That's you off my reading list - goodbye!
