Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gordon Told to Pay Full Rates

From Popitch...
When Dragon's Den judge Duncan Bannatyne's ompany took over the Living Well
gym in Westminster he discovered that MP members (including Estelle Morris,
Gordon Brown and Paul Boateng) were paying a hugely reduced rate compared to
the 85 pounds per month that all the regular members were paying. Bannatyne was not impressed, raging "If Mr Brown wants to be a member of THIS gym, he can pay the same as everyone else". Gordon Brown no longer uses that gymnasium, but Ann Widdecombe does.

FYI: A fellow gym-goer tells us that Gordon Brown is "incredibly pale and doughy" and that he's "not at all keen on flashing" his [that's enough - ed]...


  1. I can't think of a more bizarre sight than that of our revered (?) PM on a rowing machine! Must say the thought of hime rolling off one after a hard session, puking as he does so, brings a smile.

  2. Genuine question for the gents: is it de rigeur to get the ol' fella out for a good airing in male changing rooms?

    The ladies' sound positively tame by comparison.

  3. the fac that a senior politician has a member of less renown than his own ego come as no surprise...hem-hem.
    p.s. i assume stanislav is either
    a) still laughing
    b) sleeping it off
    c) early to bed as he is due round her 2morow to sort out my dicky nip-built immersion-heater

  4. Link does to a splog.


    >Genuine question for the gents: is it de rigeur to get the ol' fella out for a good airing in male changing rooms?

    Suggest the key question for politicians is rather like shoes: can you see it when you look down.

  5. Ann Widdecombe goes to a gym?

  6. Have they declared an interest, getting membership on the cheap?

  7. I read health magazines whilst drinking beer. I can FEEL the lard melting away. Delusion is a wonderful thing, I find.

  8. Hey westmonster, you sound like a sound lass (like your site), can we indulge in some on-line commennt based flirting, i.e just what is it like in the 'Ladies'?
    I bet the graffitti is just as crap, and the phone numbers just as unreliable. (Apparently Steve's sister didn't, wouldn't, couldn't[not even for THAT amount of money])

  9. Molesworth, yup. It's exactly as you imagine it. EXACTLY. Anyhoo, nice talking to y'all but off to watch Question Time. I have low blood pressure and it helps.

  10. Bannatyne is an unpleasant bully who left the Royal Navy via Colchester Military Prison. Him and his fellow Scot Broon should be kindred spirits.

  11. Hi Iain,

    I always enjoy reading your blog.

    My firm handles Bannatyne's PR and I can tell you that this pop bitch post is NOT true. Sorry to spoil the fun of your contributors...

    Graham Robb
    Recognition PR
