Sunday, November 18, 2007

Coming Next: Timmy Mallett Joins the Government

Lord, give me strength. I had to check it wasn't April 1st when I read THIS.


  1. And no doubt Gordon also approached the "Mitchell Brothers" to advise on East End re-generation but unfortunately they already had a prior commitment to meet the "Met" to discuss initiatives to curb the rise of gang crime in London

  2. When you have such a shallow pool of talent, as with the parliamentary Labour party, almost everyone Gordon meets on the outside must look like ministerial material ;-)

  3. One might consider if this appointment would have been of any greater merit than the appointment of Sayeeda Warsi to the Lords. Or is it that Conservative lawyers are automatically assumed to be of greater worth that Labour supporters in film and television?

    It appears to His Grace that both Houses of Parliament and all political parties would benefit from real (and intelligent) communicators, and in this day and age that means those with celluloid charisma, the ability to simplify the complex, and communicate with the masses in the vernacular. Essentially, everything the present Archbishop of Canterbury does not possess.

  4. He'd be as well bringing in the Krankies. I'm sure they would do a better job than the current bunch of dreadful people.

  5. Now I know what they meant when claiming that it was a government of all the talents "under Gordons big tent". When referring to "big tent" they were talking about a tent of the circus variety, inhabited by clowns and performing aninals. That seems to sum up Gordos administration perfectly!

  6. How often does the PM have to have a psychiatric examination?

    And did he cancel his last appointment?

  7. So, West explains his blunder by saying he's a "simple sailor", Lord Darzi explained his ignorance of detail when being grilled by the Health Select Committee by saying he was "just a surgeon" - presumably Ms Phillips could say she was just a "useful fool".

    Oh no, this dedicated Socialist refused the position because she'd lose half a million quid a year. Bless.

  8. Would he hit me on the head with his big inflatable hammer type thing?

  9. You don't honestly believe that story do you Iain!

  10. Does anyone remember the Goodies puppet government with sooty as prime minister, well I never thought it would come true

  11. I'm told by someone who works for GMTV that this story is categorically NOT true! Which is wierd because it's not the News of the World ever makes stuff up - especially politics, do they?

  12. Mallett is a Tory, obviously. But if the story were true Cranmer has the right idea. Much better than Baroness Beenpy Warsi.

  13. iain, I don't meant to be contentious, but Fiona holds a good degree from a decent university, did a post-grad journalism course and has been a journalist in several media for years. she holds down a demanding job (in a part of the commercial sector where margins and staffing levels are far tighter than the BBC, and believe me, I know what i'm talking about here) and is very well briefed on current affairs. she's an excellent communicator, has never been invovled in scandal, juggles home and family life well...i could go on...

    why shouldn't she be considered for a peerage? how is that any different to you considering yourself worthy of election to the house of commons, and presumably, in time, promotion to ministerial office?

    this isn't a pop at you - far from it - i think fiona would be just as qualified as you, and far more qualified than some of the wallies (i'd rather use a stronger term) on both sides of both houses.

  14. Who is she married to?

  15. Government of no talent at all.

  16. @ David,

    So, these are the criteria for elevation to the Lords then?

    On the basis of that the Lords would actually require Wembley Stadium as a debating chamber.

    But has she made the requisite donation to the Labour Party yet?

  17. Okay Iain, you were right this time about Gordon and I was wrong, seeing as No. 10 have confirmed it. However I think it reflects more badly on Fiona not wanting a pay cut.
    Will now go and find a hat to eat

  18. I for one really hope that Timmy Mallett does join the government. But better than that is the online petition currently being lodged with the PM to get him Knighted. Arise Sir Timmy!

    Here is the link for you to check out:

  19. Chuck Unsworth said...
    "@ David,

    So, these are the criteria for elevation to the Lords then?

    On the basis of that the Lords would actually require Wembley Stadium as a debating chamber."

    David doesn't say they are the only criteria. In any case, she appears to be a much more suitable candidate for the peerage than many (Labour or Conservative)who have actually been appointed.
