Thursday, November 29, 2007

Chris Leslie Speaks With Forked Tongue

There is a complete inconsistency in Chris Leslie's statement this evening. On the one hand we are told the Brown campaign team ripped up Janet Kidd's cheque because they didn't know her. Yet on the other hand Leslie was happy to recommend her to Harriet Harman. I cannot be alone in finding those two actions entirely in conflict with one another.


  1. It is getting difficult to keep up with this, Labour are disintigrating so fast.

  2. UNLESS...Brown's team wanted to stuff Harman. We know he can't stick her.

  3. The sheer joy of it Iain. A Government and Party funded by millions of pounds from everywhere and everyone being brought to its knees by £5000!

    £5000 to pay of debts incurred in a leadership campaign by a person on a six figure salary. By a person who was prepared to take money off a member(s) of the public but who clearly refused to put her hands in her own pocket.

    The price of tonights Labour Party meltdown? £5000.

    I'm lovin it!

  4. Ripped up a donors cheque just because the donor was unknown to you?

    How rude, surely at the very least you return it with a letter of thanks, and an explanation that for that campaign alone donations were only being accepted from close acquaintances, but perhaps inviting the donation to be made to the party.

    Or is Gordon Browns new policy for the Labour Party that no donations will be accepted unless he personally knows the person?

    I am sure if it was returned their will be a covering letter somewhere...

  5. I know this is slightly off piste, but I suspect that the Tories are making a silly mistake by attacking Harman personally. I may rarely agree with her, but have known her, off and on, for 25 years. I have always found her to be straightforward and honest. To demand her scalp plays into Gordon's hands for a number of reasons. Firstly, she is despised by the old left for being wealthy, middle class and "wimminy". Secondly, she sent her kids, like Blair, to an elitist school outside her constituency. Many backbenchers can't wait for her demise. Brown would see this as "closure" and the whole rotting carcass of Labour finance mightn't have the thorough investigation the country demands. But maybe I'm just an old cynic.

  6. .....not to forget allowing Brown to throw her to the wolves for having taken up his suggestion.

  7. But the Tories aren't doing anything. In fact, Cameron was noted for not touching upon Harman at PMQs. This is all coming from within Labour, which is the most fantastic thing-they are ripping themselves to shreds.

  8. Iain you make a very common mistake of trying to look for logic where there is none.

    Brown hates HH. His team tried to stitch her up. You know, like DD does to Cameron?

  9. No, you can't be alone, can you?
